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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Ah i stand corrected then, it's been a while since i used that daedric item in oblivion. I never realise they had upgraded it since then.

    Sorry about that.


      It's cool, I guess something like that would be pretty small fry for me, but I know from experience that there are people on the forum more serious about spoilers than I am.


        Originally posted by importaku View Post
        Ah well worth the effort to get it looking all homely, so which house did you settle on?

        I love how the game indulges the animal crossing house filling aspect too
        Just the cheap one in Whiterun, I was too impatient to save up the money to buy anything better


          Originally posted by importaku View Post
          You have to manually select the shout you want to unlock & press x to spend a soul on it.
          Doh! lol, never saw that!


            To be fair the text is tiny & stuck at the bottom of the screen hidden in the corner, i missed it as well for a bit. lol


              Also, they never actually tutorial unlocking a shout at all. So if you don't catch the 'X : Unlock' thing in the corner you'll be at a loss.

              Taking a break from it today, which means this is the first day in over a week where I've not played it.

              Damn this game has it's hooks in.


                Can archery be upgraded so I can shoot on horseback? That'd be awesome. I've got about 70 quests on the go. It's all quite ridiculous. I want to learn enchanting so I can make the most awesome enchanted bow tamriel has ever known. So far I've made a ring that improves fire resistance by 1% lol


                  Really glad this is my Christmas game now. Was either this or Skyward Sword, and after 10 hours of the latter I'm finding myself wishing it would end sooner rather than later. How tragic


                    Originally posted by FSW View Post
                    Can archery be upgraded so I can shoot on horseback? That'd be awesome. I've got about 70 quests on the go. It's all quite ridiculous. I want to learn enchanting so I can make the most awesome enchanted bow tamriel has ever known. So far I've made a ring that improves fire resistance by 1% lol
                    No horseback archery Wish they could have just lifted the code straight out of Red Red for that, would have been ace. I know what you mean about creating the best bow possible, so satisfying one-shotting stuff from miles away!

                    I'm just about to hit the fifty hour mark and haven't even seen four of the cities, and the fifth I've only 'discovered' but not entered. Have started two guild questlines with around three missions done in each, and have done around five missions on the main story. According to the stats I've only completed seven side missions too.
                    Just wtf have I been doing in fifty hours?


                      I've finished this now with just a fair number of side quests left to go. I'd rahter wait for the GOTY Edition to do those. In the end it managed the usual trick of winning me over as the epicness sets in and you start to connect with the game world more. It's definitely more Elder Scroll Skyrim than Elder Scroll V Skyrim but fun none the less. Too much of a remake to be my GOTY or anything like that but recommended.


                        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                        I've finished this now with just a fair number of side quests left to go. I'd rahter wait for the GOTY Edition to do those. In the end it managed the usual trick of winning me over as the epicness sets in and you start to connect with the game world more. It's definitely more Elder Scroll Skyrim than Elder Scroll V Skyrim but fun none the less. Too much of a remake to be my GOTY or anything like that but recommended.
                        You finished it! lol, i've done 60+ hours so far and feel vegged out, how many hours did that take you?

                        I've been really enjoying this, def game of the year for me, not a perfect game, but nothing ever will be. I would give it a 9.5 or something. I cannot think of anything that has been as good this year. Yeah it was similar to the last one, but most games these days are just copies of what came before.


                          Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                          I've finished this now with just a fair number of side quests left to go. I'd rahter wait for the GOTY Edition to do those. In the end it managed the usual trick of winning me over as the epicness sets in and you start to connect with the game world more. It's definitely more Elder Scroll Skyrim than Elder Scroll V Skyrim but fun none the less. Too much of a remake to be my GOTY or anything like that but recommended.
                          CTN you seem to finish every game you play 10 times quicker than everyone else, whats your secret? do you just run stright through every game you play? is youre character always in constant movment.

                          Id ask if you suffer from sprained wrists alot but that just sounds rude.


                            Originally posted by importaku View Post
                            Oh i remember that mage, im assuming it's the one that you have to get the staff off of. His magic drains your magika gauge to nothing in literally seconds making it very tough if you didn't bring various resistance potions. When you loot his dead body remember to also take the mask he wears, it's special so don't sell it as it's used later in the game in another cool quest.
                            Yeah that was the one. I beat him by playing cat and mouse with him, lobbing fireballs and then hiding. It took about 15 minutes to take him down but he went down.

                            I equpied the mask stright away, Im playing as a mage so wont be getting rid of it anytime soon. Although I'm a bit worried about getting the marriage achievment while Im wearing that mask, I cant imagine it makes pulling women very easy!.


                              No idea who im going to find to marry for that achievement lol, haven't even gone down that route yet but i shall split my save & do the requirements to get it then revert back to the other save & live the single life


                                Counting in reloads/redo's etc I probably clocked it in approx 25 hours. The first half of the main quest can be absolutely steam rolled though I eased off a lot in the later end. I do tend to keep on the move constantly and though there's plenty side missions left I seem to have at least stumbled across most of the games locations. My biggest benefit was my magical mountain climbing horse who very sadly died protecting me in battle after around 18 hours. The biggest recommendation I can give it is that it clocked up so many hours within a single week which for a single game to do for me is quite an achievement. Based on where I'm up to I think I could nail the side missions by hour 40-45.

                                Those holding off on the main quest

                                you can feel free to complete the missions if you're nearby as the game lets you continue after the end boss


