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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Originally posted by importaku View Post
    1) If you start a new game it won't overwrite any of your saves unless you actually select one & choose to overwrite it, the autosaves will be overwriiten though but they would be anyway but your manual saves are safe. Your old character will still be safe in those old saves too.

    2) you can't lose achievements once they are unlocked they stay on your 360 for good so they are safe too.

    3) As you enter Whiterun there's the blacksmith on your right hand side, if you face down the road so they are on the right then your whiterun house is the next one up past them on the right & it's called breezehome. I have heard that storing items in somewhere you don't own has the potential to lose them so i don't really risk it.

    4) not sure on that one.

    Hope thats a bit of help.
    That helps a LOT!

    Thanx Importaku- u r a cool mofo!


      I am loving this again. Hadn't played it properly for months and I'm hooked again in the last few days.

      Level 51 I think now, I'm working on gettin my daedric armour which I will then use to be an unarmed badass! Hunting down daedras has been good fun so I can get their hearts, including the Azuras Star quest which I eventually completed and got the Black Star. Also unlocked the final perk for Enchanting so I can double enchant every now which I'll be doing for all my daedric stuff. So much to do and look forward to. I love this game.

      Had to go trough a huge dungeon I'd already done before to do another quest that had appeared and I don't even mind. It was fun going through again and recognising places but still getting creeped out at bits too.

      Just hit 100 hours on this save too. And I've still hardly touched any of the guilds and not that far into main quest either.


        Started playing this again and find myself endlessly nicking stuff by accident - go to click on a person for a chat, accidentally shift crosshairs a micro-pixel to the left or right, and - BANG! - you've nicked an apple. Cue being chased out the city by hordes of maniacs wanting to chop me into pieces! 'Yield' doesn't seem to work at all. An "oops, sorry, I didn't mean to pick that up" dialogue option would have been nice.

        "Thanks for saving us all from being burned to a crisp by that dragon, but if you touch my apple - even by accident - I'll ****ing kill you!"

        Accidentally shouted in a hospital as well and blew the wounded and dying all over the place. FFS.


          I'm level 39 now, 11 more perks to go! Has anyone had much experience of levelling above 50? Is it super slow?


            Im level 46 and it just seems to be steadily rising much like before but I've been increasing some skills I hardly used previously (light armour, blocking) so that is assisting it.

            I think I've got about 4 more achievements left and I still havent visited half the dungeons. Crazy.


              After 35 hours I've thrown in the towel on this. Greatly admire the world-building, scenography, lore, customization and general RPG-typical pedantic attention to detail. Don't even have any gripes about the combat, which is simple and effective enough. But I'm getting frustrated as I just don't have the time to do the game proper justice. An hour or two here and there is getting me absolutely nowhere. barely enough time to finish off a few conversation trees, fiddle with the inventory and read a few books. And getting frozen/glitched back to earlier saves just slows things down even more. I wonder if Bethesda would consider doing an Elder Scrolls Lite in future ...


                If you want light then perhaps just grab a wiki and concentrate just on the main dragonborn quest? It's the main focus after all.


                  Nice idea. But whenever I play an RPG I tend to get my pathological RPG head on, which means I just NEED to talk to everyone and rifle through every nook and cranny, bookshelf and sidequest, etc., lol.


                    I've finally completed the main quest (which also triggered the platinum achievement - my first...) after an alleged 125 hours or so. Not sure whether it counts loading times or not. Those got mildly frustrating (PS3) towards the end, as I was fast-travelling around a lot to keep things progressing, but ended up having to do something else while playing to make the best use of my time.

                    Very enjoyable game though, and I avoided any significant bugs as far as I'm aware (main one was an exit door for a dungeon which wouldn't open, but I just left through the entrance, so no harm done). Has kept me going almost exclusively since Christmas, so great value too! Still have more stuff I could do, but may give it a rest for a while...


                      I've entered into a progression race on this game with a co-worker in a run for the platinum, he has just taken the lead by getting the trophy for having 100,000 gold. I've just had a crack at it but it's taking me so long I may put it to one side. I have made about 50 iron daggers and given them my best enchantments meaning they each sell at about 750 gold a pop, so it's not for a want of product! It's just selling one dagger seems to clear out each vendor in one go and I need to wait 2 days to let them get more cash, perhaps I should have been making jewellery instead! Tonight I should be able to get the 20 shots trophy and maybe the sidequests one...


                        Joining the thieves guild will give you access to fences with 4000 gold and there are quite a few of them about (although not all are available straight away). List of them here if you want spoilers as to where they are.
                        Last edited by MartyG; 22-05-2012, 17:26.


                          Having problems with this since the 1.6 patch, I'm playin the Xbox version and the performance of the game has dropped drastically the game seems to skip frames and the frame rate has really gone down hill, anyone else had issues since the patch?


                            I don't think I've booted the game since the 1.6 patch released. Guess I'll find out tomorrow and let you know as Dawnguard is released.

                            1600 MSP, but it's reckoned 10-20 hours play time from this first DLC. Plus, crossbows \o/.


                              Yeah if you could let me know that would be great. Been on it a bit more and the graphics seem sharper to me but do suffer from the perfrformance issues I mentioned above.

                              Will try to resist the expansion just yet as got so much to do still in the game but will most likely end up caving and buying it!


                                After 30 mins with the new DLC and 1.6 patch I can say no frame rate stutters here.

