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Project Gotham Racing 2

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    I would like to see this frame rate drop in Fzero, as i never have....
    Runs silky smooth 60fps solid, and i have played it a damn lot...
    If it dosen't drop framerate, which it does on the Jap version - maybe it's because of all the pop up?
    I would hope FZero runs silky smooth, considering the crafts are made up of about 2 polygons!


      I am loving this game at the moment.

      Just now I managed a 6:58.569 around the ring.


        Completed the game on steel, bronze and silver. Never seen the frame rate drop once, the AI has intelligence a hell of a lot more than a lot of racing games and tbh its a damn good racing game, one of the best this year easily.


          Good to hear the positive vibe. I am looking foward to its release this week and was lucky to find a friend had the demo. It felt as good as PGR, the framerate was fine and the detail astonishing, however backgrounds looked bland. The car handling was spot on, th Skyline drove like it does in real life


            So how much did you end up paying for it in the end eghamninja?


              5 days to go until i can play a legitimate copy of the game


                Anyone else order it from Littlewoods Online with the voucher ??

                If so, anyone get it yet ? Or am i being a bit hopeful !!!


                  Originally posted by Shimmyhill
                  Anyone else order it from Littlewoods Online with the voucher ??

                  If so, anyone get it yet ? Or am i being a bit hopeful !!!
                  I did but i am anticipating it taking forever so im going to go to gamestation on friday with my ?20 credit note and get it for a measly ?17.99 that way. Then i will decide what i want to do. Probably try it on with GAME


                    Originally posted by eghamninja
                    Originally posted by Hodge
                    So how much did you end up paying for it in the end eghamninja?
                    Playing a pirate, my alrady paid for preorder should arrive towards the end of the week.

                    Plus my time round the ring is now 6:27.818
                    lol, the wait is killing me at the moment. Seems like an age i`ve been for this game and can`t believe it`s nearly opon us. It`s gonna be great.


                      I`m on Kudos level 31 on my "version" of the game, but its a US version, SO I think when I get the pal copy next week(for XBL) , I`ll have to do it all over again, and to be honest I really dont mind!.

                      Either: I`m a saddo`, OR the game is superb.

                      Mind you, could be both the bove :P



                        Been playing this for a couple of days offline now, and I think it is excellent.

                        There are still some issues with the greyness of the colours in the game, the same as PGR, and also some of the coreners are still hard to see, but the control and feel of the cars is superb!

                        I like that there are lots of relatively short challenges so it keeps you wanting to complete one more task.

                        The 30fps issue is not a great deal. Yes it would be better if 60fps but once you have played the game for 15 mins or so you don' even notice it. (The only time i didn't like the 30fps and notice slight jerky feeling was in the showroom)

                        Can't wait to play on xbox live this weekend!



                          Some of the big cities are quite grey i agree, but I love the colour schemes of Edinburgh, barcelona and florence.

                          Also, I've only found one corner that I continuously misjudge. They are much etter signposted than they were in PGR.


                            Yeah, Barcelona is excellent.

                            I found Tokyo sometimes a bit hard for the corners tho, but that could be more to do with amount of stuff on screen!


                              the one i struggle with is in tokyo too. it's very busy.


                                I've pre-ordered PG2 from for ?29.99 delivered, has anyone else pre-ordered from this company before for games, are they fast in shipping out titles?
                                Im getting a bit worried I can foresee the release day passing with all the excitement about this excellent title, and me left waiting ft:

