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Tales of Xillia [PS3]

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    The big in Japan sale ended today- that's why it's gone up- sorry buddy.


      Sh*t on it!


        You're not missing much...


          Really? Well I've never played a Tales game. Is there a Tales game on PS3 worth playing?


            Yes. All of them. The best on is Vesperia but it's only in Japanese... Xillia 2 could actually be better. Vesperia is also available on 360 in Europe and it's probably a more traditional type of Tales game.

            On the other hand, I suggest you try one, but I won't vouch that you'll like em'. Xillia is easy to find at bargain prices if you are interested in those types of games. I suggest Vesperia because it's a bit more complete. The problem with most Tales games is that almost every single one of them has an updated version ported to another system in one way or form. Such is true for Vesperia, Symphonia, Graces, Phantasia.
            Last edited by danholo; 18-07-2014, 21:02.


              Originally posted by hudson View Post
              Really? Well I've never played a Tales game. Is there a Tales game on PS3 worth playing?
              Beautiful RPG mediocrity of the highest order.


                Maybe I should stick to enjoying FFX HD Remaster

                I do have a soft spot for cheezy JRPGs. I did really enjoy Hyper Dimension Neptunia


                  If your a tales newbie I'd suggest symphonia, loved it on GameCube. Played graces f on ps3 last year but story and characters weren't good. I'm about to start xillia myself as I got it in the psn sale last week


                    Originally posted by hudson View Post
                    Sh*t on it!
                    It'll be on sale again soon. I got the two Symphonias for $10 (together) in our sale a few weeks back.

                    Also, Tales of Hearts R will be out for Vita at some point and that I loved on DS.


                      Originally posted by hudson View Post
                      Maybe I should stick to enjoying FFX HD Remaster

                      I do have a soft spot for cheezy JRPGs. I did really enjoy Hyper Dimension Neptunia
                      Ouch... Even I don't care for those games. Then you might be in for a treat. Symphonia is remastered for PS3. While the port is not perfect, (GC version was 60FPS, PS2/3 versions are 30FPS) it's a good entry level game into the series. Xillia is a bit more 'advanced'. They're all based on the same battle system but they get progressively different every installment. Symphonia and Vesperia are more 'traditional' as they don't try a lot of new things in the system, Graces and Xillia do. Xillia is a lot of fun. I don't think they're as cheesy as Neptunia but they're certainly filled with typical anime stereotypes.

