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The Pinball Arcade

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    Next tables are cactus canyon and central park.


      cactus canyon is decidedly average, no idea why they thought that one would be a good candidate. Sure it's rare but there are far better tables to do than that with equal rarity. Still central park is a classic so not a total loss.


        Hope whirlwind is up next, champion pub looks good too, but a few older em's are usually put with newer tables, so they'll probably be raiding the gottlieb collection again.


          Star Trek: TNG out on the 20th March for PS3 - no word on the Xbox360 version


            The announcements for the ps4 version sound really tasty. I'll pick up my xbox kickstarter and maybe star trek, and that'll do til I buy a ps4 for this game.


              Maybe get the second Elvira table too, ozzzy. It's really good.


                What does it come with?


                  I wanna say 'Big Shot'?


                    UI update of PS3 Pinball Arcade has made it really fugly.

                    Edit - ST: TNG seems well done - but it has weirded out on me once already going into bizarre-o launch ball mode with no flipper control.
                    Last edited by MartyG; 20-03-2013, 19:59.


                      Can I add you, Marty?


                        Knock yourself out - I doubt you'll find it difficult to beat my scores though - Pride of Pinbot is the only one I can really play properly at the mo.


                          Amazing Pinball Arcade mod for PS3. Incredible


                            Groni creates visual pinball on the pc. Nice job.


                              That controller is very clever, I like the way the tilt mechanism has been engineered.

                              New tables are out today on the PS3 version: Attack from Mars and Genie.

                              Edit - new tables are okay; the old tables really aren't that much fun I find, more curiosities than anything with a lot of experimentation going on - Genie with the six flippers plays okay, but I don't think it's a table I'll play a lot. Attack from Mars plays well, but it's one of those tables with insta-ballout unless you have lightening tilt reflexes.

                              I have now played a reasonably good game of ST: TNG, breaking the billion barrier - I still can't get the shuttle-simulation completed though, despite knowing the sequence.

                              Are people buying the pro versions of tables? I've bought a couple now but they don't really seem worth the extra to me.
                              Last edited by MartyG; 27-03-2013, 18:35.


                                Where's my competition?

