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Wizorb (XBLIG/Steam)

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    Wizorb (XBLIG/Steam)

    Recently downloaded this from Steam, as it was released on there for Mac and PC, but I believe it's been on XBLIG for a little while now.

    Essentially a Breakout clone, it has the cool retro visual style that you see above (and that's so in vogue right now), and wraps a very light RPG coating around the orb bouncing action. It's a lot of fun. There are a few different types of blocks, as well as enemies that move around the level. You slide your little platform back and forth as usual and keep the ball from falling down the bottom of the screen, with the goal of breaking all the destructible blocks and killing all enemies. There are a couple of spells you can use too, although your magic is finite - a fireball that destroys a block above you, and a sort of breeze that blows the ball in the opposite direction to which it's travelling.

    As you go you collect potions that refill your magic, extra lives, gold, and keys which open doors situated on the edges of the levels. If you've got a key, you just have to hit them once to open them up and get either a bonus level or a visit to the shop.

    There's 12 levels in a world, and you have to play them all in one go without losing all your lives and continues. It's addictive as hell, and at ?1.79 I highly recommend it

    Great little game this. Played through it when it was released on XBLIG last year. Has anything extra been added to the PC version?


      Not that I know of I'm afraid.

