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Warriors Orochi 3 [PS3/360]

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    Warriors Orochi 3 [PS3/360]

    First off, no disc release for this on PS3? Interesting. $49.99 and 11GB off the PSN makes it the most expensive DL-only game I've ever bought, but that's fine by me! (My budget is out the window right now)

    Only played about 40 mins on Free Mode as it's too bright out to play any more right now, so bed, then more when it's dark later on. The 3D mode looks good and so far it's all Musou baby!

    TK have made me happy once again by not having English VAs ruin the game (like Capcom did with BASARA) so all my little characters whitter away in Japanese to each other, giving it that little more of an authentic sound.

    So far so fun, looking forward to starting story mode later.

    There will be a disc release by the 30th of March. Since NG3, ORC etc all suck I might go for this one.


      Yeah, it's only DL only in USA because it doesn't have English voices. Disc release in Europe.

      Buying the disc release at some point.


        According to the North American online shops I can name, there is nothing scheduled on disc for the PS3. The 360 version came out yesterday on shiny plastic so I don't see why the PS3 one wouldn't have, or even be listed.

        I'm not shopping in the EU btw.

        Thanks Nico87, that does explain it. I prefer it this way anyways


          Sony are stupid when it comes to the voices. Basically only Yakuza games are allowed to have Japanese voices only, but Agarest 2 was also released on disc in the USA and that had Japanese voices only aswell.


            Played more before work last night. 3D works great, like SW Chronicles but closer to HD. Flashy attacks and cut-ins a-go-go.
            Looks to be a lot of work ahead of me!

            There is an edit mode where you can change backgrounds and who/what appears where and then upload online for others to DL and try, and it'll tell you when someone grabs it too.

            Offline simultaneous 2p and online co-op too, but not tried either yet.

