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Pocket Planes (iOS) from the Tiny Tower dev

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    Pocket Planes (iOS) from the Tiny Tower dev

    It's the next game from Nimblebit, who you may remember as the guys who ruined your lives with Tiny Tower. Oh yeah. THEY'RE BACK.

    You take control of a small airline, scooting between a few airports close-by and earning money for ferrying passengers and cargo. You spend it on bigger planes and airports further afield and earn more money.

    It's like Tiny Tower in that it's basically a time-management game with no real goal to it. Unlike Tiny Tower though, there's actual time management here. There are loads of things to spend coins on and how you play it will determine how quickly you move forward. You can buy more planes to earn more coins at once, or buy bigger planes, or you can buy more airports so you get more jobs further afield. If so, do you buy small cheap airports, or save up for an expensive busy one? You can upgrade the airports you've already got for those benefits but you don't have the money to do it all so you have to decide what's more important. It's complicated at first, it soon becomes really simple to see what's going on, even with half a dozen or more planes.

    Do you send an empty plane to somewhere with jobs (at a cost) or wait for jobs to appear where the plane is sitting idle?

    Do you make lots of short flights or wait to take bigger loads to one place for bonus coins?

    Where in Tiny Tower it could basically play itself, here you actually have to make decisions. You still can't "lose" the game and it's still hardly going to compete with some super-deep strategy game but there's a lot to do and think about.

    If you don't like time management stuff, stay away from it. It's really good, though. Oh, and it doesn't use bloody Facebook. There is a nice social thing though. You can join a "flight crew" with your friends/forum, and complete a mission, and whichever flight crew gets the most missions completed in a certain time wins a whole ton of free Bux or planes or stuff with loads of prizes for top 10, top 1,000 etc.

    I've only recently completed Tiny Tower - and that still doesn't include getting level 9 "dream jobbers" in every position. I've been enjoying the freedom of not having it rule my life/iPhone. And yet I quite like the sound of this so off to download it I go...

    Edit: downloaded - have NO idea what is going on but seems pretty fun so I'll stick at it!
    Last edited by koopatroopa90; 15-06-2012, 18:14.

