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Hybrid (XBLA) review

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    Hybrid (XBLA) review

    Anybody else playing this?
    Got hooked on the demo and am still enjoying the full game.

    So let's try and describe it. It's a 3v3 multiplayer vs game, all your usual modes are there, deathmatch,king of the hill etc.

    It's a 3rd person game where cover features heavily, but before you click back you should probably understand the control scheme better. You don't actually run or walk anywhere, you fly.

    You run and fly between cover, whilst in vover you look at the next piece of cover and click A on it, you character automatically flies over to it and goes into cover again. As you fly between cover you you move up and down and strafe a little, but you will always go to the cover you specified.

    This video probably does a better of explaining it

    Although you best option is to team up with a frind or 2 and give the 1 hour demo a good go.

    As you fly between cover you can click on a different piece of cover and you will change direction and go towards that, there is something satisfying about navigating the maps without landing.

    The maps themselves are usually very big corridors with several pieces of cover along them (sometimes on the celing or walls too) heading towards the central areas. The best maps allow you to go around the back and flank your opponents if they are camping behind cover.

    You player can choose from many different weapons, which unlock in no particular order as you play, so far so I've yet to unlock a weapon that seems any less or more effective at killing the other team as the starting weapons.
    You also can unlock and equip a perk that can change the way you play. (extra XP,extra health, more damage etc) and an ability (grenade, teleport, regen health, instant cooldown for team etc) which you can activate with RB.

    It's a source engine game and has a semi cartoon look, but it still looks very polished and consistent throughout. Using the haggered source engine also means that it runs at 60FPS on the 360.

    There is a persistent world map war thing going on (Think Chromehounds), when you start the game you choose your side and you are fighting over the countries of the world to be first team to obtain 12 pieces of dark matter. When this persistent war is won, it will reset.

    I wasn't expecting much from this, I was thinking it was just another Nexuiz or Blacklight. I was totally wrong, it is a really original and innovative take on the online shooter.

    Hated this. felt like I had little controll over the game, the constantly stuck to cover thing made it feel really restrictive and broken. it was like someone enjoyed the fastened to a cannon bits in gears of war and wondered how to make it slightly more interactive.

    Flying anywhere leaves you really exposed which normaly RESULTS IN DEATH! And The amount of times I was killed when I'd made it to cover but was unable to join my team mate because his stupid robot thing was in the way was just stupid, giving me no choice but to sit in the open or fly back the way I came from is not good.

    I gave it a try as it looked intresting but it subscribes to the "give the player doing best more ways to kill you even quicker" style of gameplay so is massively unbalanced. giving the guy on a five kill streak a rocket assassin thing that can jump behind cover killing you instantly seems fair to me


      You can kill other teams sentinels for kill rewards, which is what I normally do to save up for some crazy Preyon (assassin thing) action.
      Been really enjoying this, excels as a team game though.
      Flank, cover and darting between cover also being the guy who draws out fire as the other team members go behind enemy lines and kill from behind, always satisfying.
      Prefer the maps with freedom to fly around, through and upside down, rather than the bottleneck symmetrical maps where you can get trapped and trap players for spawning death.
      Must say after the hour demo which is substantial, it shows you EXACTLY how the game plays and what to expect.
      Don't know if that's good or bad cause if you land a match made game against some level 20's with awesome guns, you will pretty much get pre-owned and not enjoy it at all.

