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Dead Or Alive 5 review

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    Dead Or Alive 5 review

    Good old CHiPS; not giving a monkey's about street dates since 1997.

    Just put 40 minutes into the 360 version. Seems to have been made a bit more conventional since the Alpha demo, being more in keeping with the previous games. The power moves are toned down; haven't had the opportunity to deploy one yet. It's hard to say whether the stages live to the more explosive one from the demo, as I've been mainly playing story mode, with brief fights only.

    The story mode is pleasantly barmy, but probably a misjudgement. I could quite happily watch a DOA anim? (which this resembles), but it don't have the pick-up-and-play appeal of previous' games arcade-based modes. I can't see anyone going back to this after they've cleared it. Pleasantly surprised to find that the VF gang show up in story mode, as I'd assumed their appearances would be in keeping with the Halo cameo from 4. There's a nice little in-joke after Akira's first cutscene as well.

    Haven't tried online yet, although my lack of proficiency means that I probably wouldn't be in a position to comment on the netcode even after I've done so.

    I found story mode to be a little messy at first, especially the first chapter. While it comes together okay in the end there's still a bunch of stuff that just isn't clear.

    Online hasn't been so bad, slight lag otherwise the netcode seems okay to me but I haven't really had many fights. Plus its not even out in the UK yet.

    My major gripe is the throwdown system, similar to Street Fighter where you can get challenged while playing solo, which seems to be glitched and can ruin gameplay sometimes causing the game to pause randomly. Unlike SF a small icon appears on the right and you can press select and decide to accept the match or decline it. I only had throwdown active during training and it did cause quite a few issues there so I turned it off and haven't really noticed which other modes its available on.

    Overall I'm a little disappointed with the game but title hunting is pretty addictive.


      Would you guys say it is an upgrade on previous games or not?


        It's difficult to say, given how long it's been since the last one. Graphically it's far above and beyond 4, with far more going on in the environments. DOA has a habit of making those annoying 'invisible sequels' where you think the gameplay is identical to the previous version until you go back to it and notice the differences, so it's too early to say how much of a leap there's been. It certainly feels contemporary, which given the six year gap suggests they've made a fair few changes. The online options are much better than 4, and there's a LOT of content. As mentioned above, the Titles system is quite a cunning idea for expanding the single-player game.

        There's a couple of annoying bugs, though. As Shaffy said, the throwdown system is broken, and the thing defaults to the English vocal track every time you stay a game.


          So playing it now and it's asking for an online pass... Didn't the past few days but I found mine and its not letting me play online at all. Not anything lobbies, simple or ranked always says no opponents found weather searching for a fight or joining a lobby...


            I have only played a few hours so far but really enjoying this. Character models look great on a whole, the sweat looks good, the dirt less so. I would have expected by now to have stuff like damaged clothing, maybe even a few bruises etc, but maybe that isn't in keeping with the feel of the series. Backgrounds are more interesting than 4 but their textures look a bit low in places. I have not put my online pass in but got challenged and played someone, I presume it was a player character? I thought I would have had to put my online passcode in to do that? Also been getting that strange pause when playing solo offline.


              I'm knocking around halfway through Story mode at the moment and for me this is comfortably the best of the DOA series, it doesn't add much but polish to the series but then that's what most fighter series followups are like so the reviews expected too much there. If you're going for all titles then Story is a pain at times but if you're just blasting your way through it doesn't take very long to get through. Over criticised. Arcade mode is fine as well, no real bells and whistles to it bar opening costumes but the backgrounds have full effects on and look stunning.


                People play Vs Fighters for story ?. I have to say not only is the best DOA since the 1st , it's almost the best looking and fun fighter I played in ages , which some real though and imagination go into the backgrounds and who they can affect the fighting

                To me Team Ninja are back


                  Im enjoying it, but the online is pants.

                  Tkes forever to get a game in any game type, and then is a laggy mess at times when I get in!

                  Also this fight request thing seems to slow down the single player menus loads when its on- so you end up having to turn it off, thus removing the point!

                  Great game though, sad to see not many people playing... props to Team Ninja though, theyve already released 11 DLC costumes for free- if this was capcom you'd be paying 1200 points for them!


                    Just got round to finally buying this on the cheap for 25 quid from Amazon. Enjoying it a lot, heaps to do. Story mode has some awful J-Drama style acting but makes it all the more interesting for lolz. Oh and never has cloth effect been used the way it is here. As for the way it plays I think the new camera is marketed a bit weird. When you first boot up the game it says causal players use this new camera and Pro players use the normal cam. Then in English in the options calls the cam Action while in Japanese it calls the camera dynamic (make yr minds up Tecmo), I found a bit odd. Hasten to say I went normal cam then action cam from now on as you can see more scenery. Enjoy the new critical hit system and Burst moves, plus the new scenery moves. Finding it a bit tricky to know which P+K move activates it to make them hit scenery. Need to read the manual or more Gamefaqs I guess.

                    The Character models are brilliant and look more like human ish beings now. Virtua Fighter characters are great to use and work well in the fighting system. Dirt and sweat on the clothes is excellent and love how free the game feels movement wise with the involved interactive stages. Always loved the way the DOA games have a more simplified combat system in some respects, so easy to jump straight in. The counters are always nice and simple, although I find a bit harder to pull off in DOA 5 than say DOA 2 or DOA: Dimensions but easier than in DOA 4 I think where it seemed rock hard to counter anything. The Photo mode is good fun was messing around with that for a bit and also a bit of Survival and Time Attack.

                    Online seemed stable as my net where I live now is garbage and watched some Japanese play with no lag, plus played one match against someone not sure where they were in the world. Not as stable as the mighty online of Soul Calibur V but seemed k.


                      I picked this up recently myself. Whilst it's not the kind of game I'd buy nowadays, it came as part of a bundle of games I got (which also included Soul Calibur V and Street Fighter X Tekken), and I do quite enjoy it. I'm spamming my way through Story mode, basically for the sole purpose of unlocking Sarah Bryant. Then I plan to actually sit down and try and learn to play it properly.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Haven't played a DOA game since the PSOne days, how would Sarah control compared to Virtua Sarah? Is it the same?


                          There are punch, kick, hold, and throw buttons. Probably slightly modified, but essentially the same as VF I reckon.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            I've found Akira and Sarah to be ridiculously effective. Pai's a bit less powerful, although having always had counters in her moveset, she's arguably a better fit for DOA.

                            Adam- DOA and VF have always been closely related, with Yu Suzuki allowing Itagki to use some of his algorithms when building the game. There's some adaptation to make the characters work, but no more severe than the changes to let them play against the Fighting Vipers gang in Fighters Megamix.
                            Last edited by Judge; 02-12-2012, 09:01.


                              Looking at this thread makes me feel so guilty. I bought this game day 1 haven't touched it really. I love DoA 2 and think I'll love this - just gotta sit down and play it!!!

                              They just confirmed a massive patch update for this coming early 2013 and a Vita version. Looking forward to getting it again on Vita!

