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DJ Max Technika Tune - Vita review

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    DJ Max Technika Tune - Vita review

    After last month's release of Project Diva f it seems that the Vita has yet another top class rhythm game out for it. I've only played for about an hour but it's been long enough to realise that this is a must buy for fans of the genre.

    The first thing that impressed me was the slick presentation which the DJ Max series has been quite well known for. Everything from the menus to the background videos look great on the Vita's screen. The videos during songs include proper music videos for the 4 or 5 Kara songs which make an appearance as well as the usual nicely animated backgrounds similar to those found in the PSP titles. You can unlock each video for viewing in the game's "collection" menu as well as artwork and stills from said videos and you can make playlists with the songs as well. Also impressive is the up to date online ranking which is found above each song on the song select screen which is great for the hardcore players who like to chase top scores (I got an S+ rank/full combo on one song and didn't even scratch the top 2000 ). You can also access high scores on the main menu at any time and you can link the game to your Facebook account to show off any new scores/tropies you might have earned.

    Gameplaywise the game is pretty straightforward. There's a tutorial at the beginning of the game which you can also access at any time afterwards showing you the difference between each type of note e.g. tap notes,hold notes and rear touch panel notes etc. Any seasoned rhythm game player will know the drill pretty much straight away. The note charts vary from incredibly easy to "How in the blue hell am I supposed to clear that?" so there should be a decent amount of longevity to the game. I haven't seen the full song list but there's been enough to keep me occupied for a while at least. The level up system which helps you unlock modifiers such as anti-combo breakers and +% experience points from previous games is back. Earning more experience means earning more songs and artwork etc.

    It would be nice to add folks from around here to my friends list for a bit of competitive high score chasing (which will inevitably be everyone chasing Fuse's scores no doubt).

    Which previous DJ Max would you say this is most like? The series has been tailing off for me of late


      It's not really like the previous games. This one is all touch screen based. It's more similar to Ouendan than anything else.

      Just realised that the high score above the songs on song select is a total score record and not for individual songs (currently ranked 1453rd woo).


        Will have a look into it


          So do we think this is not likely to ever be released in Europe?


            It's being released in America!

            My LE is in the post. Looking forwards to it - didn't enjoy the later DJMax Portable games, but always wanted to get more into Technika as the arcade one was v. enjoyable.


              Yeah I saw that, Mid-October I think but it doesn't appear to be listed at either VG+ or Tronix atm.


                Well Nisa, you've convinced me. I've had it on preorder for months but ummed and ahhed when AmiAmi emailed me asking for payment. F*ck it girlfriend is going to Taiwan for family stuff in a week or so too so might try and get her to pick me up Project Diva F while she's there.


                  I really want this but the lack of any news regarding a Euro release is really getting me down!


                    My worry is that the screen might be a touch (lol) small... The arcade was played on a biggish widescreen!

                    Still, I wanna play with these hotties...


                      I take it the touch controls are mandatory? Really, really puts me off.


                        The touch controls are mandatory (front screen only for easy) front and back for normal and hard and the screen does feel a little cramped but you do get used to it. And the Asia/Korean version is in Full English! I do think diva is a little better though


                          How is the back panel incorporated as in touch dots from the back or general back touch?

                          I find its pretty hard to be accurate with the back panel :/


                            Stupidly bought the Japanese version of this rather than the Asian *facepalm* so cost me a bundle.

                            But I reckon it's worth it received it yesterday and been playing it tons, it's wicked fun. I played it a few times in the arcades in Taiwan (Technika 2) and loved it, so being able to get into it at home is great - love the use of the back touchpad (which is used in easy mode too, incidentally).

                            It reminds me a lot of Ouendan. But harder. And faster. I find the choice of music really cool tbh...a mix of K-pop, house, the odd bit of hip hop (!), K-rock, and anim? pop. Wish I wasn't at work so I could be playing it right now

                            EDIT: And yes, the touch screen controls are mandatory! I don't understand why people are put off by this - it's not DJ Max shoehorned into a touchscreen mode of play, Technika is an entirely separate branch of the franchise. And it plays great. Reflecbeat and Jubeat are touchscreen only (albeit the latter isn't in the arcade, but is only ever going to be playable at home via touchscreen e.g. the iPad version), do people not like those for the same reason? Plus, Ouendan was touchscreen only and people loved that sh*t!

                            Originally posted by shaffy_oppa
                            How is the back panel incorporated as in touch dots from the back or general back touch?

                            I find its pretty hard to be accurate with the back panel :/

                            You don't need to use any accuracy with the back panel. There are two types of notes that use it - on one you just have to hold a finger anywhere on the back panel for the duration of the note, and on the other you have tap in rhythm on the back panel (again anywhere).
                            Last edited by wakka; 11-10-2012, 08:44.


                              i got this on monday, and am loving it. definitely recommended.

                              didnt realise there was an asian version. i went for the japanese version over the korean one, as theres a chance i'll recognise a bit of japanese, but zero in korean. luckliy theres hardly any text at all anyway.

                              i only got the first psp dj max, and while i enjoyed it, i was put off a bit by how difficult it was. but this is totally different being all touch screen. as above its similar to ouendan control wise (plus multitouch stuff). and while it can be quite easy to see 'game over' pop up after just a few seconds into a song you do get used to it pretty quickly. i'm now able to get through most 3 star songs ok, i cant imagine what 10 stars going to be like.

                              edit: oh yeah ... kara

