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Faster than Light review

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    So I thought I'd try the Infinite Space mod for this. Turns out I need some mod management program.

    So I download that.

    Turns out THAT needs Python to work.

    FFS programmers?! What is the matter with you? I do not do extra installations of stuff to run your crap. Out of the box functionality or into my recycling bin it goes.

    To heck with GMM. I found Slipstream as an alternative. And no need for Python. See? It was quite possible.
    Last edited by Sketcz; 26-08-2013, 11:43.


      On my second jump from the start of the game I managed to get hit by a missile that caused a double fire and destroyed the room that controls the doors. How was I supposed to get around this?
      Couldn't vent the fire as the doors wouldn't work and if anyone went in to fight the fires they would die from the fire...Too early in the game to have bought blast doors etc too.


        The rock men don't get hurt by fires, neither do maintenance droids.
        They would of been the only things that could have saved you


          This was only the second jump into the start of a new game...The Kestral wouldn't have access to them that early in.
          A little unfair methinks.


            That's randomly generated games for you, plus you could have been in a different ship with a different crew


              That's why rogue-likes are the ****test recent indie fad ever, and the sooner they die out the better. Spelunky too.

