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SimCity (PC) review

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    It's a bit disappointing to hear how the sims function in this, consider Tropico which has its people have their own place/job etc, I thought Sim City would be like that now but it seems its not as complex as that.

    Last night I tried a new city, got further this time but found it hard to actually make decent money, specialized in oil, exported on the world market but although oil was making something like 80k per day my city funds never seemed to go up from it.

    What I did build was an Expo Center which seems like a cheap exploit to rake in cash, once built you can setup an event about every two days, each time raking in huge amounts of money, way more than I get from everything else.

    I do enjoy this game but feel I've yet to figure enough of its inner workings yet, main problem is I always end up out of space.


      I think the Sims do have their own residents though don't they, if you click on one it says where they live and you can follow them back and forth between their daily tasks if you must.

      I think the main critisicm has been aimed at the path finding of the vehicles/water/power/sewage, which takes very strange routes across cities and even trying to plan extra paths for them still results in all vehicles taking the same route and causing congestion


        Someone has managed to get it working offline

        EA’s claims that SimCity has to be online in order to work have been proven untrue, as a fan gets it running offline and with bigger city plots.


          Anyone else following the goings on at RPS? Apparently Maxis have made a bunch of claims about how the game has to be always online because there's so much server side processing going on? RPS are calling bull**** and have spoken to the guy who hacked the offline mode who states that the server does f all basically. Entertaining stuff.


            Originally posted by ETC View Post
            Someone has managed to get it working offline

            And you can destroy other people's cities, PERMANENTLY!

            Since the top brass at EA were dumb enough to go through with the hated and repined always-on DRM, there were consequences to be had. SimCity has been a disaster in the media circles since launch all

            Something like the above makes me tempted to actually buy it now. I'd be like those people who drive backwards in online racing games. I'd lay way waste to entire civilisations.

            That will teach everyone that always online DRM is bad bad bad. Then you just wait for the complaints to roll in to EA.


              Whats this game like now? Im asking because it is currently on sale at Origin for ?7.50. Im aware its now got offline play but is it still worth it even at this price?

