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Monster Hunter 4 [3DS] - possible spoilers!! review

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    I presume like 3U the new items are on a cycle. Do another quest or two and see if they pop up.


      That's actually what I've been doing, just taking unknown forest runs and getting to the end ASAP. The trader's items are rotating, but I haven't seen the new stuff appear.

      When you select the 1st option on the download screen, it brings up a list of updates. When you select one from the list, it doesn't actually download anything, and all you can do is just back out of that screen. Am I being a bit simple here? (It wouldn't be the first time).


        Lol never mind! They just showed up in the shop now


          FROM THE DEAD!

          Any thoughts on the MH4U demo?


            Originally posted by kryss View Post
            FROM THE DEAD!

            Any thoughts on the MH4U demo?
            My (admittedly some what unfair) negative opinions are in the 3DS thread. I will say though that it looks pretty.


              Well I was going to wait for my NewXL, but just went and bought it anyway, and luckily got a free theme from the eShop as well. Time to go kick some Jaggi.


                Absolutely loving this. Granted, I only done a handful of real basic missions, but I've been getting side tracked from my simple objectives and running after Great Jaggis (and struggling to catch it when it goes off injured - think I need to upgrade my kit).

                It's just a fun, engrossing and rewarding game.


                  You getting any practice with mounting monsters?


                    Originally posted by kryss View Post
                    You getting any practice with mounting monsters?
                    Hee hee hee!


                      I must try this mounting you talk of.


                        Run off a ledge at a large monster (great jaggi, etc.) and hit X in time to get a hit on them and the magic'll happen

                        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                        Hee hee hee!
                        I figured you'd go there.


                          First 10 hours down and can see the precipice of me failing all my courses this semester if I carry on. But I WILL carry on and I WILL pass.


                            starting playing last night on really done the intro, i have a question what sort of weapon would you say would be a good start for a player like me that has never really played a MH game ? or should i just try each one and see what one feel right for me.


                              Try 'em out! I went with S&S in 3 as it was the default and seemed most accommodating, but now I wish I'd tried others out more. The level one Caravan quests are great for experimenting, and there's a wonderful series of YouTube videos I would recommend here that covers off the need-to-know stuff for each weapon. They were great in getting me primed for the charge blade, which is my go-to weapon this time around.

                              I've sunk about 25 hours in already - only HR2, but mainly as I've only done Guild quests when playing locally with peeps. In single player I'm at the level 5 urgent quest, but I've street passed people already up to HR5, which is mighty impressive.

                              ... but most of all, I love it! Just about everything has been improved since 3U, and I'm completely head over heels all over again. The core fighting is still incredibly precise, and they've managed to add height into arenas and combat in a really smooth way - it all feels very natural, whilst adding a real dimension to things and being brilliant fun too. They have really done a great job at improving progression too - whereas 3U took lots of time to get to the meat of the game, this one gets to the point much faster. I feel like when I recommend this to people, I don't have to issue a series of warnings and caveats to give it more time.


                                So. It feels like I have only played this for an hour or two but the clock says I've done 10 hours already!

                                Never tried a Monster Hunter game before and at first it is totally overwhelming. A lot of information gets thrown at you to start you off with and the controls are methodical.

                                Seem to be bumbling my way through OK, I'm not sure if it is a steep learning curve or you are just supposed to try things out. For example I have pages of stuff in my chest that I have no idea what to do with. I can make potions and mega potions (because I was told how to) but I've not been told how to do anything else.

                                Armour progression seems difficult too, unless you constantly grind the same mission you never seem to have enough materials to make a set (I am told sets give bonuses) so I am wearing mismatched stuff.

                                Stuck with the sword and the shield for ages but just bought an insect glaive. Another thing I have no idea what to do with!

                                It is great though once you get into the swing of it and it does hold your attention, I guess I jsut need to spend more time learning its ways to feel like I know what I'm doing! Must watch those videos you put up Fuse.

                                Also must learn more about my cat friend and how to get more of them...

                                So much to learn.

