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Arma III review

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    Arma III review

    I expect I'll have this thread all to myself. Anyway...
    Fired up the release version of the game last night. Went to Campaign and...

    "Campaigns will be released at a later date, in phases, starting in October"

    I think Bohemia Interactive just won the "who can release the most unfinished game?" competition.

    I'm having video stuttering issues as well. It's nothing I didn't expect but it's still disappointing.

    And it's overpriced for what you currently get. Arma 2 became better as time went by, so A3 should follow suit unless Bohemia turns Dice on us.


      so is it just multiplayer ?


        No there are small scenarios to try out stuff. I mean it's fine for me because I'm still getting the hang of it all and as Pulstar says it will constantly evolve and get content
        Last edited by Brad; 19-09-2013, 14:27.


          seems like almost paying just to alpha test it still if the content down the road is free guess thats ok


            I paid for it before it even hit alpha lol. I was mostly just commenting on the nature of game releases these days. The community has already created hundreds of single player missions, just seems like BI are using that as an excuse not to bother themselves.
            Last edited by Brad; 19-09-2013, 14:28.


              Never got into arma but strangely really enjoyed the original operation flashpoint. I started playing arma 1 but it brought my pc rig to its knees was barely playable but did not seem to look much better then flashpoint. I really love a full blown campaign mode in these type of games


                The Arma engine continues to be CPU bound, only properly utilizing about 3 cores, so I'm going to OC my machine back up to 5.1GHz (the highest I could get it stable last time I tried) tonight. The AI is still poor too so really it needs to be considered a MP game only I feel. Does look nice mind and the voicing is greatly improved over 2. It's still sentence snippets stuck together so it's not as fluid as the scripted stuff on BF or COD but it is more versatile of course.


                  WHen I got it, it was ?20 which was quite bargainous for how much gaming I've got out of it already in alpha & beta. I'm I between places at the min and havnt got my PC networked so can't join in the full gme fun. Bohemia did announce weeks back that it wouldnt launch with campaigns.....Wasteland is where it's at

