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Ryse: Son of Rome review

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    Ryse: Son of Rome review

    Finally running, first impressions are brief.

    Yes, it's very linear, you're definitely looking at a showcase game here. The fighting is reminiscent of the Arkham series but simpler, takes a very short time to get used to. So far the game is fine to play, no play issues but I can see how without variety it could get old if it goes on too long.

    Visually though, this game is very capable of highlighting the difference between last gen and next gen. Its stunning at times, if this is the least the machines can do then we have some treats to come. Amazing visuals, hopefully the gameplay holds up enough to the end.
    1 - Tonight we dine in Hell!
    10 - Kneel before Zod!... err, You're Emporer!

    I?ve now had a good 40 mins on this game and so far i have to say its absolutely brilliant, i am really, really enjoying it. First thing the struck me is just how good it looks, it is gorgeous, the detail and lighting is quite stunning. There is quite alot going on in the background but no slow down from what i can tell, plus its the little things i like. The lip synching is pretty much spot on and the facial details are very impressive.

    As for the gameplay itself im finding it incredibly satisfying to play, and most importantly, fun, lots of fun. Yes its a bit of a button masher and you possibly could just go thrown mashing A and Y but that somewhat misses the point, the is more depth than first seems. The combos are brutal and gory but it just feels so right when the sword connects, the sound it makes is just perfect. The combat is very similar to the Batman games in terms or parrying and deflecting blows etc but the big difference is you kill people not just knock them out and quite violently too, think Braveheart where limbs are chopped off and you get the idea.

    This was one game i could not wait to play and it has not let me down. Yes it may have gotten some ****ty reviews but so far it plays better than i actually hoped. The game is what it is, not everyone is going to like it and that?s fair enough but to be honest the only opinion that counts to me is what i think of it and so far i am loving it and cannot wait to play more. This for me is the sign of a good game for me.


      Without the graphics, would you even entertain it?


        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
        Without the graphics, would you even entertain it?
        Yeah i have to say i would. I havent seen huge amounts of video footatge of Ryse and the stuff i have seen has been low resolution but that still made me want to play it but on my HD telly it looks so good.

        The game is my cup of tea really, i love the Roman setting. The game is a no brainer, its something i can put on at the end of a long day when my brain is frazzled and just have fun with, no need to think, no need to make choices or solve puzzels. This i think is something that reviews dont take into account. Not everygame has to have huge amounts of depth or something you have to put large amount of time into, their are enough games out there to do that. For me its something i can just pick up and play for 30/40 mins and just enjoy. For me its that simple.


          I love launches


            I'm two chapters from the end.

            The story/setting and generally the quality of the graphics & voice acting (best looking characters & emotional expressions I've seen) go some way to hide what is otherwise a pretty linear game with repetitive battles.

            The problem isn't the combat or the slow motion executions. They work, are sublime to use with some real rhythm & there is a skill in knowing when to execute & when to move and wear down other enemies. It is very much batman AC in that regard. The main problem is lack of enemy depth, there are around 6-7 enemy types and the game only mixes up battles by how many of each it throws at you.

            That does mix up battle a little, but it's not enough. Personally I think they needed to go one further with the ability to enhance or pick up new weaponry. New skills that enable longer combos or easier connections etc... The thing with it is, while critics will write it off for this there is actually a bloody good game in there underneath some limiting design choices.

            I've had a blast playing this so far. Some levels just ooze atmosphere and it is by far the best looking game on the system. I thought the opening splash screen where the chick says "achieved with cry engine" was a bit self indulgent but seriously some of the onscreen stuff here is just simply marvellous.

            It's not a long game, and therefore its a good rental at best. But for me I'd definitely say its worth a play through.


              Same here it's not going to be a system seller but the graphics engine is impressive and has excellent sound.
              The gameplay is quite linear but I must admit I'm enjoying the game
              If you can find it cheap or a rental it's worth a play through


                Puzzles me how the reviews say it gets old by the time yourva few hours in. I'm not saying it isn't straight forward but the game isn't long enough to get tired of. Eight chapters and they take little time to clock, I'm thinking I'm going to focus on this game first as it'll be done with minimal effort by Monday so I can trade it towards my PS4 stuff next week.

                Whilst you can't fail an execution, your input does affect the XP you earn which is something the game doesn't utilise enough. The basis is here for a much better game. I'm knocking Chapter 4 now, so I'd hazard a length of... 5 maybe 6 hours?


                  So it's worth ?50 then?


                    Most people I have spoken to have really been enjoying it, so was it worth ?50 to them? More than likely yeah, it's done it's job as a game, people bought it and enjoyed/enjoying it.
                    The people who didn't buy it still sit in the sidelines slagging the **** out of it, that's the internets.


                      I bought it, don't regret it. Paid ?45 though. Enjoyed what I've played so far and it's one of the best games I've ever seen visually.

                      Will likely get traded in once I've rinsed it for NFS on PS4 next week if I can get a decent price, otherwise might throw it on ebay.
                      Last edited by Synthesthesia; 22-11-2013, 23:14.


                        I grabbed it too, yeah was ?45. Ain't played it yet, been drivatarring in Forza 5 whilst it part installed.
                        Left it running whilst I sleep off past few nights.


                          Does it install disc based games in its sleep? I turned mine off while dead rising had just started installing (with the instant on mode) and it was done and ready to play by the time I'd drove back from where I went. Quite cool if it does.


                            So, it's been out a day and people are already giving scores for this?


                              I did as I finished it last night. I stand by my 7.

                              Its good, not great. Short but sweet.

