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Super Time Force 360 / Xbox One

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    Super Time Force 360 / Xbox One

    where in retro shooter territory, side scrolling Megaman style charge shots, multiple weapons I was expecting this to be a twin stick shooter but this is pure Megaman territory turned up to 20. It demands a lot from you, I got up to the spaceship boss and turned it off i was fatigued and tired it really is relentless.

    it's a game where you have to learn the levels and learn how to team up your guys to full effect, you will die a lot its to chaotic not too, but you can stop this happening by rewinding time and adding in another guy. By doing this you can maybe kill the shooter before he gets your other guy, one tactic it teaches you early on is rewind bring in shiledy blokem and put up a shield in-front of the bullet that killed you.

    shooting bosses with one guy isn't enough you have to work out tactics rewind and add another guy rinse and repeat you only get so many rewinds too so its not like you can infinitely rewind every mistake you make.

    I died a lot. Got annoyed (the count down timer is relentless) and had a bit of a come down playing lifeless planet on steam.

    edit-- maybe i was a bit mean about it last night as i really want another go this morning, i think its going to be a game that you play in small bursts as its a relentless bullet hell type shooter with a very clever twist.
    Last edited by Lebowski; 15-05-2014, 07:49.

    I'm really enjoying this, the central mechanic is superb. It gets so utterly crazy but watching all of the previous copies of yourself do all the heavy lifting is surprisingly rewarding (considering it is you that has done all of the work on a previous run through).

    GiantBomb did a good quicklook on it -

    edit - the game is also completely bonkers. Launch trailer below
    Last edited by PeteJ; 17-05-2014, 11:09.


      shame this hasnt got more attention, i thought the pretty dry release calender would get this great wee game a bit more love, Perfect for playing in short bursts.


        It's done really well for cappy apparently, no one cares on here though.

        Anyone been hunting down The Lookers? Once you open that can of worms it turns the game on it's head, grabbing pink shards and trying to get to a destination, all timed, can prove hard work. They really did playtest this game to hell.

        Finding a looker.

        It will be a contender on my GOTY list later in the year.


          Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
          shame this hasnt got more attention, i thought the pretty dry release calender would get this great wee game a bit more love, Perfect for playing in short bursts.
          Maybe because the demo isn't very good. I downloaded it and have to say I wasn't too impressed.


            Wow there was a demo shows what i know lol


              Demo on 360 version of course as all XBLA games have a demo.
              Was there anything in particular you didn't like Yakumo?


                I have downloaded the demo but cannot tear myself away from Dust: An Elysian tail.


                  I've been loving this, I really like the multilayer img from playing alongside the ghost of each character who have killed before you.

                  I've done about 4 lookers now and the levels look like the worlds most insane bullet hell shooter at the start


                    I am not a fan of this. In principle I really liked the idea of the time related game play but when it comes to playing it just doesn't grab me.


                      Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                      It's done really well for cappy apparently, no one cares on here though.

                      Anyone been hunting down The Lookers? Once you open that can of worms it turns the game on it's head, grabbing pink shards and trying to get to a destination, all timed, can prove hard work. They really did playtest this game to hell.

                      Finding a looker.

                      It will be a contender on my GOTY list later in the year.
                      Damn, I wondered what that timer was for. Don't think I've got the skills to do that on every level.

                      Really good game.


                        Bought it. Hate the art style and humour, but love the action. It's like Gunstar Heroes in many respects. Fast and zany, but with time travel.

                        When you complete a level, there are 5 badges to acquire:
                        Completion, Glorbs, Shards, ???, ???

                        What are the other two? I'm guessing one is the Looker challenge? Is the final 5th badge if you get all 4 preceding badges?

                        Which is the easiest level to get the Looker challenge? I tried the first, but it's painfully difficult. I doubt I will ever get them. It's like the Blast Corps time trial medals all over again.


                          Where's the score table for this? I'd vote 10/10

                          One of the best games I've ever played. It's what Treasure would make if they weren't churning out sequels and Steam ports.

                          Still hate the art style though.


                            I think one of the badges is either speed related or Is purely for getting all medals.

                            I 1000g'd this the other day, I'm not very good at these kinds of games , but I really like the way that you can almost brute force your way through the level. I've got about half of the lookers, some of them are devil tier evil


                              Love this game. My GOTY, unless something better comes along.

                              Keep coming back to it for a better rinse of some levels.

                              I doubt I'll ever 100% it though.

