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Ace Combat Infinity (PS3) review

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    Ace Combat Infinity (PS3) review

    The latest "free to play" update of one of their classic franchises from Namco.

    Let's get the ugly side of things out of the way first. The system is you can hold up to three fuel units, one of which is replenished every 3hrs 45mins. Playing one time uses up a fuel unit (offline or online). That is very limiting. However you also get given a secondary set of fuel (stocked fuel) that can be topped up by completing game challenges, or buying it with cash from the store.

    I currently have 9 stocked fuel units and I have played a bunch of times in the last couple of days, i was given 10 when I started and I've earned enough by doing challenges to keep it around that level.

    Planes, upgrades and weapons are earned RPG style, you basically earn experience and then unlock paths on a flow chart towards your desired aircraft or weapon. You also earn credits that you have to use to purchase them once unlocked. Some challenges reward you for unlocking specific planes, so there is incentive to diversify.

    Right now there are a lot of good reasons to play online (more limited drops in the first ten days, rare plane skins to be had etc etc) so I have basically ignored the campaign to concentrate on getting the nice stuff. You can buy unlimited campaign play for 2000 yen. I havent done so.

    Online play is nice, its basically co-op but 4-8 players are divided into two squadrons (less than 8 introduces bots to the teams), and the competition is between the two squads to kill the most enemies. This is where the pay-to-win aspect comes in because you can buy an elite pack of superior aircraft and weapons with real cash, and teams with those players invariably win. It doesnt matter though, as nobody really loses. However there is a trophy for getting the MVP in a match, and you wont be unlocking that unless there is a level playing field in your game sometime... I was in second place once and only lost by 500pts, very frustrating. Yesterday I had great connections all day, but today I've had some lag and disconnects. Happily you get to keep your fuel unit if you are disconnected mid match.

    Regular missions are interrupted by extra objectives, such as a fleet of bombers or a super-carrier type plane that has to be eliminated. There are also occasional 'emergency sortie' missions that come up in the lobby and change the selected mission. the current one involves shooting down four super-carriers but I have never seen it completed successfully.

    My other experience with F2P was Soul Calibur lost swords. That game makes it far more obvious that you are disadvantaged by not paying for good equipment. There is enough going on in Ace Combat Infinity that personally I havent yet felt the same handicap, although it is undoubtedly there - in these early stages i dont feel its much of a problem.

    Oh, the final point - this is classic Ace Combat, as per the PS2 games. Nothing like that horrible PS3 version they made. However the music is all recycled from older games (environments are new though, unless they were in the xbox game - one of the missions takes place above Tokyo which is nice).

    Its also got full English support (currently only available on the Japanese store).

    It seems the save file for this is tied to the region your PSN is linked to.
    I've downloaded it from the JPN store (but playing on my UK account) and when checking for stuff to buy on PSN there's nothing there. But when I switch to my JPN account, everything registers and there's items in the store to purchase. I'll soon find out if the JPN version is cross-store compatible come 27/28th May when it releases over in the West. Although game progress does not seem to transfer back and forth between account regions.

    Playing the Single Player campaign does not contribute towards your research & development for new aircraft/ weapons unfortunately. So it seems to be an extended tutorial.

    It's worth noting that there's quite a few challenges you can do.
    Most of them seem straightforward, like 'look at your notifications' for 1000cr, or 'destroy the marked target' for 1000cr. There's also a few challenges that you can repeatedly do (which once completed have a cooldown period of 16 hours before you can re-attempt it) such as 'sortie x3 in 12 hours' for x1 unit of stocked fuel.

    A couple days ago I saw one guy already had the prototype plane (sortie x30 times) which was crazy.

    The cooldown period for stocked fuel is quite harsh, especially as online multiplayer matches really last for about 6-8 minutes at best.
    Other than that I am liking it, and when the store does become live I'll see if I resist buying anything.
    I've lasted quite long on Soul Calibur: Lost Swords not dipping into my wallet as of yet.
    Last edited by jimtendo; 25-05-2014, 09:41.


      I'm already 80% towards unlocking the Morgan, so its not that far fetched (unsure how many credits it will cost though, I'm sure that will make it even further out of reach).

      I did manage to get the MVP trophy today - I chose to ignore the mission update so as not to get distracted into extended dogfighting and kept hunting solid points on the ground. It actually made me realise the big points are in air-to-ground, but I've already upgraded the F14 to level 3. Might make a switch to the Harrier (which I dont think was ever a playable aircraft in any of the classic AC games? I presume you cant hover?)


        Cheers for joining on my invite jimtendo, i hope you got the challenges logged first - i'm 33% on the best one (rewards 3 stocked fuel) so I hope we can do it twice more over the next week. It was a high scoring game too, took me a lot closer to getting the Comona medal.


          This is making it out of Japan too? Good stuff.


            No probs. Unfortunately didn't get the challenge as I think I have to be host and invite. Always next time.
            I'm too scrupulous when wanting to use my reserve stocked fuel. Rather wait it out for the 3/3 to refill.
            Still trying to grind out that prototype plane. About 60% odd complete now.

            Yeah, I've been grinding the Aerospace map for days, as I've already got part #1 done, just part #2 to complete.
            Last edited by jimtendo; 25-05-2014, 13:01.


              Next time I'll let you invite. The multi-invite challenge text says it works if you either invite or accept, but i think the single invite is as you say.

              I am down to 6 stocked fuel but today was a day where it was one of the rare drops, so i didn't mind burning a few as i got a few unexpected bonus ones also. Looks like you get 20 for completing the campaign.


                Why don't they release it for Windows too? Been having a blast with WarThunder.


                  I had one game before work today and that was the one that unlocked the prototype Morgan. It only takes 2700 credits to purchase it (regular planes are circa 30,000) so I assume its mostly for show and not actually useful..?

                  That goes to show though, I installed the game on Saturday and sortied 30 times by Monday morning, so its possible to get a good amount of play out of the game for free. I got another fuel drop in this mornings game too.


                    online co-op sounds really good. usually i don't like F2P games but i guess i will have to check this out.

                    what did you find so horrible about the PS3 game? i have played every AC game and loved both AC6 and also Horizon.


                      I enjoyed Horizon, but it had glaring issues with DFM. It was so scripted that you had to use it to advance. The boss fight was the ultimate proof of that, it was ridiculous. Didn't really like the Helicopter levels too, although one was okay for variation.
                      Last edited by Panta Rhei; 26-05-2014, 07:06.


                        First flight with the Morgan last night and yeah, it was pretty useless - terrible air to ground damage, and the TLS can only be fired once (i used it on the scinfaxi sub and it barely scratched it). Might be better as a pure fighter but I was in the wrong mission to test that. I'd rather keep upgrading my trusted aircraft.

                        (Suspect we may get another version of the Morgan later, as this one is dubbed the 'Block 1' Morgan)

                        Next plane on my target list is the F/A-18 but it is 150,000 credits or so. I think the multirole aspect is going to be a big advantage, so thats no doubt why. I dont have anywhere near enough credits anyway.
                        Last edited by Darwock; 27-05-2014, 06:00.


                          Shame about the Morgan being a bit pants.

                          Well there's good news and bad about the Japanese version of AC:Infinity...

                          Bad is that the store is still locked off, even though the EU version of the game is live.

                          Good is that when booting up the EU version is that my save has carried over and the store works.

                          Still enjoying the game and have amassed 32 stocked fuel muahaha... Still holding onto them though.


                            Got around to setting this to download, now I just need to get away from LEGO City Undercover long enough to play it.


                              First upgrade for the Morgan costs 81,000... stats are pretty much even across the board, it doesnt excel in any one area. My F14 is way faster so at least I can reach the enemies quicker.

                              Your experience with this game really does depend on the circumstances of who is playing with you I think - i can get five games in on supplied fuel on a working day (three when i get home, one four hours later when it recharges before bed, then one in the morning before work). Yesterday I was MVP in every one of those games, using F14 or Harrier. Today I was losing targets left right and centre as the other players all had faster planes, better missiles or whatever, maybe just the luck was with them, but I was lucky to scrape a 2nd on the losing team.

                              It kind of reminds me of my Warhawk days - when things go right you feel invincible, when they dont its quite frustrating lol.

                              I've got nearly all the limited challenges done so its settling down to the regular repeatable ones. The biggy is to get the rescue bonus 300 times... Im at 80% and at five free games per day I'm not going to reach the target without using some stocked fuel. Got the invites one through gamefaqs advertising lol.

                              To my mind having the store locked off is an advantage - easier to resist temptation!
                              Last edited by Darwock; 29-05-2014, 11:12.

