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Deus Ex Invisible War

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    OK well, we all know demos aren't fair. But here goes.

    PC Demo, 3 people played it:

    1st person: Deus Ex fan, turned off in 1 minute
    2nd person: Played Deus Ex, turned off in 2 minutes
    3rd person: Never played Deus Ex, turned off after 5 minutes

    Thats pretty much it, everyone hated it. Everyone had an open mind. Everyone detested it, its like a horrible botch job of a game.


      Oh indeed, I would be very dissapointed if I was playing this on the P.C, because it is, essentially, a P.C port of an XBox game rather than an alternate version that plays to the strengths of the system.

      The interface is made specifically with a pad in mind, the graphics have been toned down to a state that the XBox can handle, the inventory and skills system has been whittled down to a layman's level. I'm not in the least bit surprised you've found three P.C users that didn't like it, even without the betrayl felt by stalwart Deus Ex fans you're left with a game that is distinctly console in nature.

      However, I'm playing it on the XBox, so I've had a pretty good time.


        Originally posted by JibberX
        1st person: Deus Ex fan, turned off in 1 minute
        2nd person: Played Deus Ex, turned off in 2 minutes
        3rd person: Never played Deus Ex, turned off after 5 minutes

        Thats pretty much it, everyone hated it. Everyone had an open mind.
        One, two and five minutes? Yes, I see, very open minded. Wherever did you find such fresh, untainted souls in this jaded world?

        I've played PSX Microids games for longer than five minutes.


          Originally posted by Garibaldi Biscuit
          Oh indeed, I would be very dissapointed if I was playing this on the P.C, because it is, essentially, a P.C port of an XBox game rather than an alternate version that plays to the strengths of the system.
          Great, so the PC versions **** to play and the XB version has a wanky framerate.

          There are no winners in this game. Not even JC Denton.



            Oh there are winners, they're just the ones who aren't obsessed with framerate.


              Given the choice between the alleged slide-show of the XB version and a nice and smooth PC version, I'd have gone for the latter. But if it plays like a joke, I choose **** framerate.

              Hardly say I was "obsessed" by it


                Ah, by the tone of your post I thought you were dismissing both versions of the game because they suffered from jumpy framerate, which would be a crime, a crime I tell you!

                Well, er...carry on, feel free to moan about the framerate as long as you don't deem it 'unplayable'. A slideshow is unplayable, Invisible War is merely jittery.


                  No man, I'm just a bitter man as I was looking forward to enjoying the PC version. Sounds like a bad port though, which is somewhat dismaying.

                  I'll download the demo though, once I get my broadband sorted out (like that'll ever happen)


                    I've had a few minutes on the PC demo and it seemed OK... my expectations for this game were huge but I've been a bit put off by the negative comments regarding the demo.

                    That said, a couple of people I've spoken too that weren't impressed with the demo are really enjoying the full game and from some of the posts here, it seems to be a good game in it's own right. It was always gonna have a hard task to live up to the expectations. I'm glad people are enjoying it.

                    I've just started KOTOR so I'm gonna play through that first, plus the odd game of PES3. Oh, and I've still got Zelda:TWW to finish.


                      The game does have a slightly jittery framerate, but its certainly doesn't affect the game as a whole, and seems smoother than the framerate in KOTOR, so if that game is acceptable Deus Ex invisible war will be on the Xbox


                        :drums fingers on desk:

                        Still waiting for my version to turn up.......


                          Saw this on XB last night.

                          It looks like System Shock 2 but without the atmosphere.

                          The physics were risible, half the time no better than the were in Deus Ex 1, and the "rag doll" effect was pathetic.



                            I waited all last week for my DX2 to arrive from DVDBO, only to receive an email last night saying my card had been declined.

                            God damn, one day my typo's are gonna cost me a fortune


                              Originally posted by baad bwoy
                              The game does have a slightly jittery framerate, but its certainly doesn't affect the game as a whole, and seems smoother than the framerate in KOTOR, so if that game is acceptable Deus Ex invisible war will be on the Xbox
                              I'll second that, the framerate doesn't impact on the game in the slightest for me - and I actually think some of the graphics with the lighting look very impressive!

                              Still, the best part for me so far is uncovering bits of the storyline, not being sure who to trust, and already feeling really immersed in the gameworld, and that to me is the 'X' factor that can make or break a game. So far this title seems to have it in spades.


                                Got this last night (PC version) and with the patch and some ini file tweaking (and only 1x multi-sampling) its running pretty smooth at 1024x768. But then I am running it on an overclocked athlon3000 with an also overclocked fx 5900

                                So far I've just been messing about in upper seattle after leaving the tarsus building, and it's feeling and looking very much like the first one - same atmosphere, same sense of confusion not knowing whose advice to follow Whilst some areas are noticeably streamlined (skills, ammo) as has been noted/whined about by many, I personally don't think it really impacts what the game is trying to do - deus ex is more about the story and the freeform nature of the gameplay than building a characters stats. To be honest its difficult enough to choose between a cloak mod or a neural interface mod without then dumping decisions about skills on me as well!

                                So overall first impressions... its looking like it'll be a snack between main deus ex meals. But one I could eat over and over, whereas the original main course, when finished, elicited a sense of relief rather than elation and never came out of the box again. If you get what I mean

                                Oh, the one gripe I do have - when you get shot, the screen whites-out so bad you literally can't see anything for a half-second - makes fighting back a bit of a pain!

