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Street Fighter V

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    Better yet, if you give yourself a maximum accepted loss per session. Example if I lose 3 times in one session I'm done. The game's often about form and mental condition. I've often had a session after a long day at work only to lose consecutive matches but in the morning I've not lost for a long run.

    If you feel you are not on your game in the first match of a session it's best to quit and player later or the next day. Ranked can be brutal on you if you lose consecutive times.


      Good advice. I'm really bad at sticking to these plans though. I will try the the 3 loss rule.

      Would have loved to see an arcade version of this. Just to enjoy it's beauty. I did like the SFIV in the viewlix. Are arcades dying in Japan then?

      I remember going to Tokyo on holiday just weeks after SFIV had hit the arcades. Arcades everywhere in Akiba. Was booming. Special times.


        I've not stepped into an arcade here for a good while so I've not seen any SF5 machines but I imagine there's loads of them in certain places in Tokyo. It is a decent way to get experience but 100 yen a pop can mount up to a lot of money especially when there are good players there whopping you.


          Laura's bewbs are totally distracting my Ken game.


            According to Ono, there isn't a SFV arcade version due to Capcom mainly making claw machines.


              RIP my win consecutive. First time to play ranked in about a week and I lose 2 in a row to really poor players too.


                Ah, bad luck, mate. Was it 16 in the end? Impressive nevertheless. It's good to see, like Lionel Messi, you are human after all


                  No bother. I'm almost at 2k LP and 4 wins consec again.


                    Yay silver! I got it. With style too. Beat a super silver guy 3000 plus LP who had 5 consec wins. heh heh.


                      Oh wow. Congrats!

                      I think the silver tiers go up in 1000's unlike the bronze which are 500. Is this correct?


                        Going to my own question with the following stolen from Event Hubs:

                        Rank Breakdown

                        Thus far, we've seen eleven different ranks players can attain. I believe there are higher levels than Platinum, like Grand Master, but we haven't officially seen them yet.

                        Platinum = 7,500 LP
                        Ultra Gold = 6,500-7,499 LP
                        Super Gold = 5,500-6,499 LP
                        Gold = 4,000-5,499 LP
                        Ultra Silver = 3,500-3,999 LP
                        Super Silver = 3,000-3,499 LP
                        Silver = 2,000-2,999 LP
                        Ultra Bronze = 1,500-1,999 LP
                        Super Bronze = 1,000-1,499 LP
                        Bronze = 500-999 LP
                        Rookie= 0-499 LP


                          Suddenly my PC controller xmodder hack decided to **** up and now it won't let me reset the buttons to map them for the game. This kind of thing in 2016 is unacceptable. Why why capcom did you not add native d-input support? Insanity.


                            Does everyone else's fighter profile display properly? Mine for the last few weeks has just displayed Ryu as my character which is wrong and has 0LP and 0 ranked wins on the default screen. I guess it's a bug but it is annoying


                              Yeah same here regarding the fighter profile. Not sure what's going on. None of the charts work either plus on the fight screen before the match no rank is displayed but I definitely have a rank.


                                Mine is fine, however I have a friend who tells me his is wrong also.

                                yeah, the fighter profile detailed stats are not registering at all.
                                Last edited by hudson; 13-03-2016, 11:41.

