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Crimson Shadows: a Senran Kagura retrospective

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    Crimson Shadows: a Senran Kagura retrospective

    The idea of doing a retrospective about Senran Kagura came to my mind about a year ago, and I wasn't quite sure I was up to it. Nevertheless, after replaying all games, purchasing all western editions I didn't have, writing and rewriting and updating the script multiple times after finding something I never knew about while searching for something completely different, several editing test, graphical overhauls, test uploads to check if the videos would get flagged, and a lot of trepidation, here is it:

    Crimson Shadows

    my personal retrospective of Senran Kagura.
    I will update this thread every Wednesday, for five weeks, with a new video and a small description for those who don't want to watch the videos(*).

    Senran Kagura was born Kenichiro Takaki first saw the 3DS.
    "Let there be boobs!" he proclaimed, and boobs there were. On a very limited budget. The publisher he worked for, Marvelous, wasn't exactly doing fine back then.
    And lo and behold Tamsoft heard the call and said "we can do the biggest of bosoms on the smallest of budgets!", thus Senran Kagura descended upon Japan in September 2011.
    (I might have embellished events a bit. Also why didn't I come up with these lines for the video? Oh well.)
    Without further ado, here's the first video, covering Senran Kagura's creation, basic mechanics, the first two 3DS games, and a bunch of other media.

    Some highlights:
    • The original idea is by Takaki, but the scenario was fleshed out by Yukinori Kitajima, who has Okamiden and two Phoenix Wright games in his resume.
    • The second 3DS game, Guren No Shoujotachi, is an improved version of the first, with twice the playable characters, more missions, more special moves, and other QoL improvements
    • Two mangas were published before the first game
    • It took more than a year for the second game to receive a western version; the first never got translated
    • Senran Kagura turned Marvelous' 2011 net loss into a net gain
    • Hikage best girl

    Next week I'll explore how Senran Kagura evolved when it reached other portable devices and home consoles.

    (*)But please do; also like, subscribe, click on the bell, and all that Youtube stuff that won't change my life one bit but knowing that I haven't spent all this time and money doing something completely worthless will boost my poor ego a bit.

    The second episode of Crimson Shadows is now live!

    This episode mainly covers the Versus games, of which the first game is Shinovi Versus. Why Shinovi and not shinobi? Because it's on the Vita! I wonder why Senran Kagura was not S3nran Kagura while on the 3DS...
    Anyway, for the second game is Estival Versus, which is two years apart from Shinovi Versus, but the two use the same underlying mechanics and style, and it's almost impossible not to talk about them together.
    The third game doesn't have the Versus monicker in the title but still follows the same style as the other two, and it's Burst Re:Newal, a remake of Burst on the 3DS.

    Then we have a brief mention of the first animated series and the first mobile game, but the focus is on the games.

    Some highlights:
    • Senran Kagura New Wave, the mobile game, lasted for nearly eight years and it had to share the spotlight with a second Senran Kagura mobile game for a couple of years.
    • Estival Versus for me is the lowest point for the main games in the franchise
    • Marvelous did several limited editions with ever-increasing number of contents, but for Europe only.

    Next week epsiode will about the games I've skipped to cover these three.


      Crimson Shadows is once again live!
      The third episode covers three games, two of them spinoffs: Dekamori Senran Kagura, Peach Beach Splash, and the only title to bear a numeral in the title: Senran Kagura 2 Shinku.

      The two spinoffs are a nice, fun diversion from the main games. Dekamori (Bon Apetite in the west) is a rhythm game, while Peach Beach Splash is a squad-based third-person shooter with an emphasis on multiplayer.
      Shinku sees the series return on the 3DS, cutting in half the playable cast but completely revisiting fighting mechanics, aiming to create a more technical system while still retaining the basic ideas of the original.

      Some highlights:
      • Dekamori was published in two halves, each priced the same
      • With a bit more refinement Shinku could have been the best in the series
      • PBS multiplayer on PS4 is still going...if you have patience to find a match

      Next week it's time for a mobile game I can finally talk about, one I never knew it existed, more anime, and...the end of the franchise.


        Crimson Shadows is alive for the fourth time!
        This episode focuses on mobile games and spin-offs.
        Wait, mobile gameS? Yep, Shinobi Masters is not the last Senran Kagura mobile game. The spin-offs are Refle and Peach Ball for the Switch, quick cash-grabs that developers hoped it would keep interest in the franchise alive until Senran Kagura 7.

        But then...Sony happened.

        Some highlights:
        • Card games! Or better, Senran Kagura-themed expansions to two card game systems
        • Second anime season! Based on the second mobile games, and the gloves are off (along many other garnments)
        • The mobile game is called ShinoBI Master, the anime ShinoVI Master. Why? Don't know.

        Tune in next week for the final episode of this retrospective where I'll explore the future and past of Senran Kagura and Kenichiro Takaki.


          The final part of Crimson Shadows is here!
          Time to talk about the Neptunia crossover, which came out a few days ago in Japan and just received.
          After this, I explor what Kenichiro Takaki did before Senran kagura, and where and on what is working on now.

          Some highlights:
          • It's called a crossover, but the focus seems to be more on Neptunia than Senran Kagura
          • Takaki's first game at Marvelous featured a female ninja in a skimpy red dress. Whatakoinkidink.
          • Will any of the console games Cygames announced ever see the light of day?

          This was published today by Marevlous and Honey Parade Games to celebrate the series' 10th anniversary


            I'll catch up on these. I've just started playing Burst Renewal and I'm really enjoying it.

