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Chorus - Xbox, PlayStation and PC

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    Chorus - Xbox, PlayStation and PC

    I've put a few hours in to this so far on Xbox Series X and Series S, and so far I have to say it's a surprise hit! Visually it's stunning, even on Series S. On the Series X on an OLED TV it looks lush.

    It's satisfying to control too, on a game like this you need tight controls and it delivers. It kinda controls like the banshees on Halo with extra functions. The story is okay but the Resident Evil 90's voice acting is back. It’s comically bad.

    Early impressions for far but I recommend it, especially for the price. If you love space shooters you'll love this.

    its Heavily story driven 3D Sci-fi space shooter for those like me who didn't have a clue what this game was

    Honestly this is the first I've heard of it so their marketing department needs firing as it looks like a game id enjoy, trailer looks interesting and reviews are decent for it so far

    Last edited by Lebowski; 07-12-2021, 12:36.


      Yeah I've liked the look of this one all the way through the year. It's on my list.


        I think this is going on my wanted list. Looks the business and I haven’t played a good space shooter since Phoenix 3 on the 3DO.


          My thoughts on Chorus after finishing it…

          Space-shooters as a genre are underrepresented on the market but thankfully with the release of Chorus that itch has been scratched. The core dog fighting gameplay is lots of fun, and the added powers make the combat compelling. The open world is filled with various missions, albeit a little repetitive, and even the plot was genuinely interesting and kept me hooked. The only real issue is that it can be quite difficult. For example, the first boss fights necessitated a drop down in difficulty in order to progress. That aside this is up there with the best of the genre.

