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Rainbow Six Extraction

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    Rainbow Six Extraction

    I've only played a handful of times and whilst the game is getting some average review scores out there, I'm finding this game to be some really good co-op fun.

    Maybe having it got day one on game pass softens any blows, but so far, I think even if I bought it, I'd be happy with it. It's making me want play more anyway.

    Can feel a little over overwhelming. There's a lot going on, but the more you play, the more you get it.

    If you enjoyed Siege and also like a good tactical co-op game, there's definitely fun to be had here. And it is tactical. Stealth will do you good in these missions.

    I like the gamble factor of the game. Each mission has 3 sections that have an objective of a bit more difficulty than the last. However, you may have some reasons not to progress through. Maybe this time you only went into the map to extract a friend's operator who was downed and cocooned in safe yellow foam in a previous sortie. Yeah you can lose you operators. If you do fail to rescue any of your previously downed operators, they will come back to you, but with an operator Advancement penalty (Their individual XP that gains them new gear).

    So yeah, it may look like there's not many missions at first, but you start to find, that each mission may have different approaches. Each has difficulty levels too, where more higher level nastys have a higher chance to be in the mission.

    As I've said, I've only played for several hours, so far, but I'm finding it interesting.
    Last edited by hudson; 23-01-2022, 09:44.

    I've been dabbling with it over the weekend and for me it feels like expectations were so low that it coming in competent to some level has led to reasonably okay reviews. It's kind of okay as in it works but I find it to be average to the point of dullness, I couldn't highlight a real fault just that it's boring. I struggle to see why this wasn't just an additional mode in Siege and even then that game is infinitely the better one so I'd probably not bother then. Kills some time because it's GP but for me this is a lazy Ubbi cash grab


      Did you play with friends? I imagine it be to be a bit uneventful going in as a lone wolf.


        Thought this was pretty garbage when I played the beta, it hasn't improved with the release and still think it's so.

        Compared to Siege it's awful. The whole concept of it taking operators away from you if you die only takes away from the game and makes me hate it more. Locking the loadouts is also stupid given the PVE nature of it.

        Didn't think it was fun at all tbh. I uninstalled it in the end.


          Seems i've missed nothing by not being able to get past loading the ubisoft account link server when you boot the game, tried modem reset, restart the xbox and delete the cache... only option left is to full delete and redownload another 48gb, no thanks.


            I always play with randoms, it could be different with people you know but I never had the experience with randoms come at the expense of games like Back 4 Blood, Seige etc so it kind of still feels like a marr against Extraction.

            The account link issue, I had the same thing but googled it and there's some weird thing of having to go online and link your Xbox account profile to your Uplay profile for it to allow you access to the server. Beyond stupid as the game just spits out a connection error at you and never tells you what you need to do to resolve it.


              Is their an easy achievement on this? theirs a punchcard and a few quests tied to playing this and getting an achievement in it, just wondered if theirs a quick one and if its worth my time to download it.


                Yes do the VR training and kill one enemy whilst laying prone.

                On YouTube there is a channel called rewards Hunter which does video walkthroughs...


                  Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                  I always play with randoms, it could be different with people you know but I never had the experience with randoms come at the expense of games like Back 4 Blood, Seige etc so it kind of still feels like a marr against Extraction.

                  The account link issue, I had the same thing but googled it and there's some weird thing of having to go online and link your Xbox account profile to your Uplay profile for it to allow you access to the server. Beyond stupid as the game just spits out a connection error at you and never tells you what you need to do to resolve it.
                  it's probably that, looking in the ubisoft connect page it has linked some none-existent xbox account attached to 2nd hotmail account i use occasionally must have auto picked it up for being logged in previously on the email account.. i had no idea that i'd either made that account or MS just automatically make one for every hotmail/outlook email account made.

                  Anyway ubisoft connect is using the wrong one and once it linked there is no way to change it on my side of things, i can only unlink it. Left a help case message to see if the admin can just straight up delete the link... or i just create a new ubisoft account.. not that i'll lose anything connected to it as last time i logged into ubisoft game using that was for the original 'Crew' on the PS4.

                  do i want to go to the trouble of getting 250ms points by making a new ubisoft account and downloading another 48gb...


                    got my 250 ms points in the end i just made a new ubi account.

                    I would feel extremely hard done by if i'd spent full price on this game outside of gamepass, everything about it screams free to play in how punishing it is, not just in losing Operators but finding out you can't use them as their HP is below half way after you complete a mission, then you have to wait for them to recover... and the tick rate seems to be 9HP per match (i think most OPs have 50HP) and then any MIA OP's lose exp the longer they remain unsaved, i think it's quite possible to have all OPs be unplayable quite easily, feels like they deleted the button to buy back your MIA's or OP health with real money.

                    Most of the OP skills are mostly worthless down to most players i've come across running off before anything get's recon'd, anything loud is generally bad unless it's a decoy, the ping system is extremely limited making it worthless outside of spamming idiots to pick up HP box's or click the exit. In the 6 matches i've played i had one good one with randoms, we stuck together, passed health/abilities box's around and cleared out the nests before hitting the objectives.


                      I didn't even install this. I just played it in the cloud to get the 250ms points and quit. Don't really have anyone to play it co-op and I feel it would be awful solo.


                        I'm deffo having fun with it playing with mates. We have co-op game session every Saturday night and this is our new fave.


                          Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                          i think it's quite possible to have all OPs be unplayable quite easily.
                          It isn't. The game never lets you get below three, other operators just become available again. But yes, it's a stupid system unless of course Ubisoft plan to monetise medikit revival kits (which I suspect is actually quite likely).


                            I kept playing, there is something to the slow pace to it. As i've levelled up the quick match stuff putting me in less groups with idiots, as progression is slow if you get most of your ops MIA which is always the result of going in loud and careless, still they need to sort out the HP regen after missions, it is far to long and having a team go in without a recon or support will make life harder than it needs to be.

                            Opened up San Fan and Artic levels but have done nothing in them yet as i think they are meant for +4 ops, and having to level up 10 ops takes forever compared to the overall progression (as long as you don't MIA often) which can be boosted by doing the research which is another name for challenges (silent kill x5, kill through walls, etc,etc).

