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Trek to Yomi

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    Trek to Yomi

    Played on a Gamepass. A Black and White contrast samurai adventure, a new Digital Revolver published game who have been batting a bit of a high average in the last few years so i was expecting a decent little game but what i got as a PS1 game dragged into the present, unfortunately it's not much fun in the combat department with very janky animation between moves, little reason to use the few advanced moves that open up and gave up above 40 minutes in when i have earned the 'finisher' move.

    It is basically Onimusha like wandering around with the combat always taking place on a 2D plane (not far off the Mortal Kombat platformers or Prince of Persia), quick attack with a directional poke which is 2 hits to kill, Power attack is slow to come out and kills in 1, block/parry button and button to chance the direction you're facing. Most of the combat boils down to attacking the enemy before they're ready, otherwise the game wants to to block/parry to get an opening as it feels like the game reads your input if you attack while the enemy is ready for you, they'll poke attack interrupting your attacks.

    Not much violence in it either, plenty of blood splatter but little limbs getting cut off, of the 5 finishers i managed to do (requires 'dizzying' any of the armoured bandits which is 2 quick, 1 heavy as a combo, everyone else dies in 1 or 2 hits before you can dizzy) only 1 of them sliced a head off, and the immediate ragdog after killing looks pants, they should have just had fun exaggerated death animations instead.

    I'm interested in this but the reports I've heard that everything feels a little floaty and unresponsive are a bit of a concern. It certainly looks the business though.


      Yeah I did two chapters last night and it does very much feel like they've spent most of the development time getting the look perfect and not spent enough time nailing the swordplay... it's a shame really because it looks lovely.

      Still I think I'll give it a run through. It's got my attention and it's on game pass so no big loss.


        I was going to give this a go but i ran into two massive bugs, one their was no sound after the scratchy intro, and two after the initial cut scene the game, wont accept any inputs. apparently the only way to fix this is too uninstall and try again, so nar deleted.

