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    F.I.S.T. [PS4/PS5/NSW/PC]

    ... or "Forged in Shadow Torch", to its parents. It's a dieselpunk-themed Metroidvania in a dystopian setting filled with anthropomorphic characters. You play Rayton, a rabbit war veteran who likes fighting things with a giant mechanic fist.

    Played a few hours of this and so far I like it. It's made in Unreal, and although it mostly plays out on a 2D plane, its built in three dimensions, with detailed constructions leading off into the background, and at certain points spinning the camera on an axis or zooming in/out to give you a more suitable view of things. So far abilities are about what you'd expect, with a wall jump, a double jump, and a hover being available very early on, but I'm holding out hope for some more unique traversal as things go on.

    Combat's pretty interesting, with combos and a skill tree of locked skills you can expand on things with, but my biggest issue so far is the lack of defensive abilities. One sub-weapon lets you parry but has has limited use, enemies often have enough armour to push through your attacks, and your dash isn't always effective at getting you out of harm's way. Hoping that improves. Enemies can be fairly unpredictable rather than just eating attacks all day, but one of the more satisfying aspects is being able to throw them into one another to help with crowd control.
    Last edited by fuse; 15-06-2022, 12:48.

    Wow, that's the most transparently forced acronym I've ever read. Looks nice, though.


      Forged in shadow was probably its original name and then someone in marketing decided than this game needed an acronym and as it was almost FIST that they could go with that.

      They then went to a random word generator typed T and it spat our the word Torch. ive given it a go and i think my name is much better

      Forged in Shadow TOAST!!!
      Last edited by Lebowski; 17-06-2022, 12:09.


        Big shout out to anyone who spotted this thread and thought this was an inexplicable revival of the mediocre fighting game "Fist".

        It can't just be me.


          FIST was also the name of the spoof action movie trilogy my friend made in school, but is also not the subject of this thread. Personally I'm quite happy to open it up to a multitude of FIST-ing experiences, but given the reprobates round here the mod team might see things differently.

          Think I'm steadily approaching the end of this, and while there's quite a lot I like about it, some of the tougher encounters are proving to be a little annoying and are scaling the difficulty by just throwing lots of different enemy types into one encounter and making it difficult to tell what's going on. Sometimes things are panned out a little too far, models end up overlapping one another, and in general it can get a little clumsy for an action game to hold up. Still though, for the most part it's really good, and it's welcome that you can't just breeze through it all without a second thought.

