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Outrun 2

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    Manual shifting is essesntial for some of the challenges, I use that same set up.


      I've completed Mission Mode on automatic.

      Granted, I still have 30 AAA ratings left to get, but it can be done.


        The Eight car races can be pretty darn close at times, especially since I suffer from a major case of "Lastlapistus" where it feels like you are driving on a country lane full of tankers whilst being attacked by an apache helicopter. I.e. I hit everything, and anything, and usually things you can't hit on the last lap/route.



          happens to me too. I think I've AAA most if not all the race events.

          I'm having trouble with the drift event on level 3 I think, just can't seem to AAA that one. Papercut you must be on about 70 AAA's. Quite impressive. I managed to improve to about 64 over the weeked and I still have a couple of the maths challenges to do, which are a given. Still have to complete Routes D and E on very hard arcade too.

          Has anyone been able to AAA any of the special stages? I think AA is possible, but AAA just seems too far off.


            I haven't completed/scraped challenge mode yet.... hadn't had the time. Some of the, what I am assuming to be "exclusive" Ferraris for the Xbox are very very cool. Indeed.


              All the cars are unlocked by the time you've completed the 4th rung of the ladder if you like stages 7,8,9 and 10.

              after that its reversed courses and routes only, although I'm anxious to find out what you get for unlocking everything by AAAing the whole lot. Might be somthing as minor as a few new colours for the cars, could be another bonus stage, more music or something else. Even if its just a black screen saying well done I will feel chuffed with myself.


                I am on the final rung, so I've unlocked every car then... and there I was hoping for the Ferrari F1 car to be hidden away... ah well.

                One thing I was thinking about, was the online ghosts, I'm not sure if it would've been better to have the times sliced up into Beginner, Advanced, Professional cars... I can just see it being a bit crowded once the rest of the world get their versions, assuming they share the same boards.


                  I'd have liked to have been able to compare by car, rather than by ability (since sorting by car would, hopefully, keep the structure of the online tables so the fastest is still at the top, slowest is at the bottom)


                    Just completed the final stage last night and the first challenge stage.

                    There is very little chance of me completing the special stages, I had a stab at the last two, leading well into the last couple of corners and you know it's coming, traffic and then your opponent flashes past and you can do nothing about it. 20 to 30 minutes gone in a second. B*****ks.

                    I may go back and up the AAA's just for the hell of it, no way will I be able to AAA the whole lot though. Interesting to find out what lies in wait for the person that does nail it.


                      Originally posted by JibberX
                      I am on the final rung, so I've unlocked every car then... and there I was hoping for the Ferrari F1 car to be hidden away... ah well.

                      One thing I was thinking about, was the online ghosts, I'm not sure if it would've been better to have the times sliced up into Beginner, Advanced, Professional cars... I can just see it being a bit crowded once the rest of the world get their versions, assuming they share the same boards.
                      S0L did post that the difficulty level was being adjusted for the JPN version as well as some other changes, would be a shame if the versions were not compatible.


                        I don't think the online was being tweaked, just the removal of the cheat codes and knocking the difficulty down a touch.

                        I'd feel dirty playing it on an easier setting, I like a challenge even if I never finish it.


                          Originally posted by S0L
                          News to me, but give me a way of doing it and I'll find out what it's all about.

                          It's likely to be something be something we didn't plan or know about though. We've not put anything in like that on purpose.
                          not entirely sure, i just heard the end of a conversation about it.
                          sounds like you start a race against wolf (which i dont think i unlocked yet) and just sit there till the time runs out, then restart the race, and for that one race all the colours will be altered slightly.
                          maybe it was just people messing around,but i guess we'll find out soon enough.


                            Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                            For anyone else bothered, I found it easy (and so did my bro-in-law, once I twigged what was wrong) using configuration 'E', where the gear up/down are on the 'B' and 'A' buttons. Drifting can be initiated by simple brushing your thumb in an upward movement over 'A'->'B' quickly. Simple.
                            Aaah, the good old Crazy Taxi method. Never thought of trying that. I don't have any problems with the 'vertical Daley Thompson' manual drift mechanism on config B, though.


                              Sheesh how the hell were you coping with the default setup. Whats strange is that the demo defaulted to a sort of type E config, so I was expecting it. I didn't get very far on my first go of the full version for obvious reasons.


                                The real default is something weird, isn't it? I swiched straight off to the same setup as the demo as well.

