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TemTem (PC)

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    TemTem (PC)

    Well, it's basically Pokémon. It's a wonder that Nintendo hasn't set their lawyers on them.

    You choose a Pokémon, sorry, TemTem from a batch of three then fight Trainers, sorry, Tamers, and eventually get to the gyms, sorry, dojos to fight against other people.

    Along the way, you'll walk through tall grass, and guess what you find in tall grass? Hmm? Yes, you're right, wild TemTem. Shocking I know. You can capture these TemTem in Pokéballs, sorry, Temcards after wearing down their health.

    And you have to catch 'em all.

    So, yeah. It's actually not too bad, but it does require you to connect to a server as it's an "MMORPG" - though I'm not sure there is much massively multiplayer about it other than a global chat I turned off.

    I give this one 7 Pika-Pika-Pikachus out of 10.

    Last edited by MartyG; 06-07-2023, 10:16.