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Reading between the lines.

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    Reading between the lines.

    I bought Super Mario Sunshine on day one of it's USA release, played it for 25 shines worth and then promptly stopped. It just didn't 'feel' right with it's Sonic Adventure alike approach and after reading forums such as this i know i'm not alone in malaise towards the game.

    After the past few days i've changed my opinion completely. You see instead of playing the game i've been playing in the game, just wondering around the gaming enviroment doing nothing in particular but having immense fun and discovering small moments of magic.

    Doing this has not only endorsed my respect for Nintendo as a developer, lets face it we are all wondering if they're over the hill, but has also reaffirmed my faith in gaming as a whole.

    If you get to know a games enviroment do you get to understand the game? I certainly think so, just paddling about in streams, ponds and on the beach is not only fun but helps you notice small touches. Climbing trees and just generally larking about bouncing off walls and enemy heads not only makes you smile but uncovers secrets.

    I found with this game the pressure to collect the shines combined with an extremely busy gameworld made it an unenjoyable experience. Slow things down and explore, do not rush to fulfill set tasks and i can assure you this game will enchant you.

    Do you think this approach is only applicable to a free roaming 3d adventure? What other games have you attempted from a completely wrong direction?

    Gran Turismo. But I kept crashing into the oncoming cars.


      Originally posted by Squirtle1
      Gran Turismo. But I kept crashing into the oncoming cars.
      I saw what you did there...


        I probably mention this too often, but I found the control of Mario in SMS to be superior to SM64. Maybe it's the increased graphics resolution, but in SMS I always KNEW if I was going to make a jump distance. I was often not sure in SM64. The rest of the game I enjoyed enough to get to the end sequence (80 shines or something), so I was well happy. Different types of games really though. Exploring can make a game superior. Elite still stands the test of time because it is totally open ended. SSX would have been dull if there were no alternate routes to explore.


          I've clocked ENOUGH hours on the GTA series, and I can honestly say, I have never completed ANY of the missions (although I have seen them completed). I make up my own missions when I play games


            Originally posted by acidforblood
            Do you think this approach is only applicable to a free roaming 3d adventure? What other games have you attempted from a completely wrong direction?

            I can't think of many Genre's where this is possible. That's one reason why I think Shenmue was such a revelation. Quite often the fun is in dipping out of the gameplay.

            I imagine that World Racing for Xbox (I think that's what it is called) with fully explorable environments might hold similar diversions. However I've not got the bottle to buy it.


              Years ago my friend and me played V-Rally 2P splittscreen pretending being cops. One mission we invented was ?Hamburger?: One chased an AI driver and the other took the wrong direction to meet up the chase in chicken perspective.

              I was hilarious to smack the car in the middle.

