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Soul Cailbur - DC

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    Soul Cailbur - DC

    No matter what - this is a game I play every week. OK so I'm ****e at it but the presentation and the game play is simply the mutts nuts. I usually play as Sophitia. I love the commentator guy, its the main thing missing from SC2.
    A decent handheld version of this game would rock. Any strategy advice would be welcome.

    Wonder if they are looking at a SC3?!


    I always thought that Soul Calibur was a game way ahead of its time. Running through VGA, it remains one of the best looking fighters available.


      I still don't understand why people think SC2 sucks. I suppose it just came out at the wrong time...


        Just plug in the Dreamcast fishing rod and whack away :P It doesn't matter how crap you are then because the grin on your face when you swing the sword about, makes up for it.


          Originally posted by Electric Boogaloo
          I still don't understand why people think SC2 sucks. I suppose it just came out at the wrong time...
          You mean that evo has made it look bad?

          Peeps still say they prefer the first. Graphically there isn't that much of an improvement in SC2, so there must be something broken play wise to garner such a bad press.


            I think people expected too much from SC2, SC1 made such a big impact that 2 could never really match.


              There weren't as many funky pictures to unlock. That reason, and that reason alone, is why SC2 wasn't as good as the first. On the other hand, it did introduce the deadly Talim.

              Still, nice to see another Sophitia man. Then again, I'm just a fan of the 'muff' throw. You know the one...


                I always liked Mitsurugi, he has a couple of different fighting stances that just look too cool. Oh, and he kinda reminds me of that wannabe samurai from Seven Samurai

                I know what you mean though, I went through a phase where I had to play it, think it was because I didn't want to forget anything. That and I wanted to pull off Ivy's awesome grab, even if it was the most bizzare button combination invented.


                  Nothing can doubt the extraordinary impact Soul Calibur had when it was first released on the Dreamcast... however there is no doubt in my mind SC2 is the better game. It does everything SC1 did and improves upon it. There is quite a huge graphical difference between the titles, but it only truly becomes apparent when you play them side by side. The backgrounds in SC2 in particular are far beyond those found in SC1...

                  The moves are admittedly mostly the same, but that?s what makes it so special imo. They have kept everything which made the first so amazingly fab, yet perfected it. The moves now flow seamlessly together, your able to move and attack at the same time, deflect with far more control and precision and generally everything feels? better.

                  But i agree... the fact there were only around 10 flipping artwork to unlock is a major blow. Shame on Namco! But that negative aside, SC2 is everything i could have hoped for and i can see myself playing it for many many more years to come. SC saw hours, days, weeks, months and years of attention, SC2 will receive the same if not more...

                  SC3? One can only hope. But Namco face a dilemma? just how much can they change/keep the same? Who do they aim to please? People who want more of the same as seen in SC2 (yes please!) or those who wish for something more revolutionary? and risk losing their initial fan base? Pfft?
                  Last edited by Adam Stone; 28-05-2004, 22:29.
                  ----Member since April 2002



                    Originally posted by Electric Boogaloo
                    I still don't understand why people think SC2 sucks. I suppose it just came out at the wrong time...

                    Because the rock paper scissors elements of all fighting games doesn't apply to SC2. Which pretty much makes it broken.

                    Also even the best players only need to use three moves and it's pretty much a turtle fest

                    Lets Face It Virtua Fighter 4/EVO PWNS it and T4 tbh

                    Read Tokuda's Review


                      That?s a hard comment to dispute tbh because through my experience the rock, paper, scissor element applies quite considerably. Im by no means an expect at SC2, but would say im pretty confident and can provide quite a challenging opponent now. By being a fairly confident player, I know that im always able to outperform those who merely button mash or aim to repeat moves endlessly?

                      Yet, facing a player who is nearly/equally as skilled has provided some of the most intense, lengthly and fun Vs matches i can remember...

                      Hmm... suppose it all comes down to each and everyones experiences and own personal opinions
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        Yeah, I'd say that was a fairly throwaway comment tbh. I can see that VF4/evo is the more delicately balanced game, but SC2 just completely stomps on it from a great height as far as atmosphere and "roundness" goes. I love the Weapons Master mode, and it's the only game I can get the missus to play :P

                        And me and Adam had some amazing matches last meet - it's good to play someone of a similar skill. I don't care if it has 'broken' mechanics (if someone would like to explain why it's broken...), it's damn fun to play.


                          Originally posted by marcus
                          I always thought that Soul Calibur was a game way ahead of its time. Running through VGA, it remains one of the best looking fighters available.
                          Apart from maybe SC2 running through VGA.


                            I will never forget the excitement that was generated as this game appeared. My local imporet store opened on a Sunday (which they never did before or since) and the shop was packed, everyone just stood around with huge smiles on their faces.


                              Originally posted by Electric Boogaloo
                              Yeah, I'd say that was a fairly throwaway comment tbh. I can see that VF4/evo is the more delicately balanced game, but SC2 just completely stomps on it from a great height as far as atmosphere and "roundness" goes. I love the Weapons Master mode, and it's the only game I can get the missus to play :P

                              And me and Adam had some amazing matches last meet - it's good to play someone of a similar skill. I don't care if it has 'broken' mechanics (if someone would like to explain why it's broken...), it's damn fun to play.

                              For example in VF4 EVO

                              Throw Beats Evade
                              Evade beats Linear Attacks and Half-Circular if you dodge the right way.
                              Attacks will beat throws if your not in a throw counterable position.


                              A basic flaw with the game is that Vertical moves shouldn't beat or hit you when evading.

                              Tbh Adam and Boog your playing it at a very low level and i respect that your enjoying the game for what it is. But if you play people at a higher skill level you will be very disapointed with sc2. This is due to UK's arcade scene pretty much being dead. It's very hard to review a fighting game these days. People just seem to play it for fun, see who can do a great combo etc.. But where a fighting game truly shines is VS play. It's what every fighter should be judged on not some tacked on rubbish A.I modes tbh.

                              Boog i disagree i feel that VF4 evo's quest better was much better than weapon mode. But each to it's own i guess. Adam go watch some movies of High level players or generally read up on SC2 tactics etc.. it will make you a much better player.

