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Video pirates on the rise?

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    Second hand market does help the industry as the money earned from selling 2 games can be used to buy one more that might not have been bought if the two games had sat on a shelf gather dust.


      Originally posted by [email protected]
      I think if people are pirating games because they can't afford it, at the end of the day it won't hurt the industry. What does hurt the industry are the people who sell pirated copies as they are taking real money away from the industry.

      One thing that is incredibly alarming is the growth of random joes [all oriental for some reason] walking upto you in the street/petrol station/mcdonalds/pub/park asking you if you want to buy DVD's. In Harrow they just sell them on the street in a totally we don't care type attitude - why the cops haven't done them is amazing.

      good point. i've seen them too, but they seem to work together to an extent. although they're in competition, if one sees a cop he'll tell the others. what a guy!

      as for the oriental issue, it's coz the films are from china, etc
      what i don't understand is why people buy them. one of my friends always comes to me and says 'i saw film X'...'but film X is only in the cinema'...'but i've got it on vcd'...'yeah, but it's a cinema job'...'it's still watchable'...'no it isn't'...'what do you know?' at which point i just get annoyed and ignore him. i read an article in the Metro recently about pirate copies of harry potter and day after tomorrow, but a quick check on tells you they're dodgy cinema jobs anyway.
      it's like the little warnings at the start of videos - pirate copies ruin your enjoyment of the movie (and jeopardise future video production, but that's another matter) - or that funny video where the guy buys trainspotting from that dodgy market chap:

      "we couldn't understand the film"..."that's the dodgy accents, mate!" classy response


        Originally posted by martingee
        Why bother buying the game if you've already downloaded it.
        I'm not sure why, going off and buying it legally, some how evens things out.
        Personally I buy certain games after having pirated them because I think they are good enough that I would play them more than once, and I want to support the developer to make new games of the same quality.


          Though I do download games frequently and I don't have a steady income so i must admit most of my money goes on Gc or Gba games because you can't pirate them. I've never ever thought of selling any of my pirate games though and I've never thought of buying one from the market.

          According to a new advert in my cinema by pirating stuff you are funding terrorism!!!


            Originally posted by [email protected]
            One thing that is incredibly alarming is the growth of random joes [all oriental for some reason] walking upto you in the street/petrol station/mcdonalds/pub/park asking you if you want to buy DVD's. In Harrow they just sell them on the street in a totally we don't care type attitude - why the cops haven't done them is amazing.

            I get the same thing, always in car parks though! Tescos, McDonalds, Office World, Sainsbury's etc. etc.
            You reject one, then 2 mins later another comes along, they just approach you looking a bit shifty and say "you want dvd?"
            Also interesting, is that at pretty much all the computer fairs I've been to there are stalls with literally 100's of blatantly pirated dvds available and signs sayin "region free dvds, 1 for ?8, 2 for ?15....", surely the event organisers should stop that!
            edit-and these stalls seemingly have an endless stream of paying customers!

            It's one thing to download something and it's another to line a pirates pockets imo!

            edit-The only pirate software I own is SSF2X for the DC for the RGB patch, I do own the original too(I should have never bothered unsealing it!)
            Last edited by Geezer; 16-06-2004, 12:42.


              Originally posted by jezzace
              According to a new advert in my cinema by pirating stuff you are funding terrorism!!!
              I can see it now - Bin Laden selling pirate copies of Farenheit 9/11 down Sunday Market...
              Last edited by randombs; 16-06-2004, 12:53.


                Originally posted by billy_dimashq
                reminds me of a poster in my classroom at high school:

                It shows a pavement at just-above ground-level, and a hand dropping a wrapper. The statement reads "My little wrapper won't do any harm..."
                Wow, that just induced a vivid memory of me seeing that poster at a summer school I attended when I was 6. I was totally bemused by the poster and had to ask a supervisor what it meant. That was an enlightening moment.


                  Originally posted by ojlim
                  Wow, that just induced a vivid memory of me seeing that poster at a summer school I attended when I was 6. I was totally bemused by the poster and had to ask a supervisor what it meant. That was an enlightening moment.
                  It wasn't Wembley High, was it?

