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Buying games ages after release syndrome

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    Buying games ages after release syndrome

    Well I went into my local PAL stockist and picked up some games for my WE7i welded PS2.... picked up some games I've been half thinking I might probably got if maybe I was slightly interested at the right place at the right time....and... I got

    Grand Prix Challenge :: Made by the same folks as the luxuirious LeMans on teh DC, however, its either Formula 1 or the game, but it feels like you are driving a matchbox car, all the reviews claim that a wheel is needed to make the game totally rule awesomitude to the max extreme, but you know, all game rule with the wheel, even GT Cube. It does have that same kinda funky euro vibe about it, I may get a wheel.

    Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance 1 :: Played this for 8 seconds round a friends, thought it might be good for some co-opage, and it kinda is, its a little like Gauntlet with a plot and inventory management, oh and jumping. Me and my housemate enjoy rallying round level getting beaten up so this went down well for a while, but after a good hour or so. I hope the thing livens up a bit since its all bit of a tunnel fest.

    Conta: Shattered Soldier :: This completely totally rules. Its like completely the same engine as all the old Contra games I love. Learn the patterns, die lots, play coop, die lots, get pissed off, come back to it, die lots. Its great!

    Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven :: This one it going to take some work, but its got everything stealth games need... Stealth... its the usual running around get seen, leg it, try again. My problem mainly with stealth games is the inherent stupidity and sortsightedness of the dude running around, it kinda takes away from the experience.

    So thats its, needless to say WE7i found its way back into the drive eventually.

    Grand Prix Challenge has got to be the best pure racer on the PS2. It's totally awesome. I know someone who did three full length races at Hockenheim back to back just cos it's such a joy to play. I would if I had the time!


      Is that Grand Prix game the Atari one? If so, its cheap in Asda at the moment.


        Darwock, was that with the wheel? Or should I try and get to grips with the useless PS2 pad?


          If you're using the pad, use the d-pad. That's how they designed it as they felt nobody used the sticks?!? madness, but it handles like a dream using the d-pad. However, I use the wheel


            Originally posted by JibberX
            Conta: Shattered Soldier :: This completely totally rules. Its like completely the same engine as all the old Contra games I love. Learn the patterns, die lots, play coop, die lots, get pissed off, come back to it, die lots. Its great!
            I picked this up ages ago, but never really played it. After a recent revival of Metal Slug X I gave it a chance and I coudln't stand it. Possibly because I was used to the lovely sprites of Metal Slug and then had to play Contra which IMO looks terrible. Got bored of it within about 5 minutes then went back to metal slug

            But hey, each to their own etc.


              I could harp on out graphics games and everything, but in the end if Contra was the most fantastically beautiful game with awesomitude to the max extreme graphics, it still be Contra, when I look at the slightly squiffy PS2 version all I see is Contra 3: The Alien Wars, and big giant heads with scary eyes etc etc.

              I don't think that you can beat good old fashioned eight way shooting action. One interesting thing I noticed is that all these games, excluding the F1 game, had a selectable female character....which is an interesting socio-flaminatious-grifted thing.

              Is it because the guy want to play as girls? I'm still a bit mid 80s about all that, if its female or has any relation to the colour pink, it aint gonna be used, espeically when guns are involved.


                Originally posted by JibberX
                all these games, excluding the F1 game, had a selectable female character....
                Not strictly true, there is David Coulthard.

                Females in games? it's post Lara Croft effect, for easy marketing to schoolboys


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  David Coulthard.
                  I think you mean the flowing locks of Fernando Alonso


                    Surely this women or this women


                      That last woman has a beard, I hope you didn't overlook that fact. The first one looks like she probably did have a beard at some point, or at least, will do if she continues the hormone treatment.

