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Gba Sp

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    Gba Sp


    I bought on release a JPN GBA. It was the Milky Blue one and to be honest I wasn't entirely happy with it. I don't really like see through consoles as they always appear to be kinda naked. Plus the D-pad was a bit iffy. So needless to say I didn't play it much. So I traded it for a PS2. Then the UK launch came and I thought I must be missing something and bought a white one. Still it never grabbed me and I thought that maybe I no longer found 16 bit looking titles entertaining. I held onto this console but rarely played it. The SP came out and I wasn't really interested. Untill my friend got one and I played it. Wow what a difference the new screen and layout made. Suddenly I was interested. But I didnt want a run of the mill one and there are loads to choose from now. So I ordered the Famicom release. Then found out there was a NES one coming out. So I ordered that. Its now my most played console. So I was just wondering what peoples initial reactions to the GBA was? Also which version made them part with there money? Was it a particular game or like me a Ltd Edition version that finally swung it.

    Anyway great little console. Just wish Nintendo had got it right first time.


    i first had a white uk gba one christmas(first christmas they were out i think) had it for 3 days the screen was terrible so i took it back.
    the my mate had a sp when they came out and after a year of him telling me to get one i went for a sliver us one about 3months ago, and they are great the light makes it 100 times better, and now playing link up mario kart in our break times at colle is great

    can't wait for the ds to come out


      The SP is half the Console the GBA is. The Buttons are totally whack. The D-Pad really is quite terrible... Sure in slow games like RPGs it's not a problem, but when you're playing games involving great control it's rubbish... Like someone said on another forum, I always press down when moving blocks left to right in tetris.

      The A and B buttons are in my opinion inferior. They fail to click correctly... The R and L buttons aren't as good either... they are too small and a weird shape... the GBA ones are so mcuh nicer to hold, and to touch and to stroke.

      The main problems I have with the GBA are the screen getting scratched and the lighting... Clam shell is nice, but I'm no longer too bothered about the screen getting scratched GBAs are cheap as chips now, so not too hard to replace... As soon as I get an afterburner, I'm sure I'll play GBA more than SP... It's just a superior console.

      Playing SF2Turbo Revival on the SP is a far inferior experience to the normal GBA.

      The SP is good, no doubt, it looks good and I think it would be the one console I'd like to collect above all others... however, it's functionality is lacking next to the GBA...


        I bought a pink one close to UK relies and I liked it. but then I put an afterburner in? and? well it wasn?t the best job but I make do. I play it affair amount. Mr Driller, Mario World and Super Street Fighter (which Edga said runs like bad code, never understood why) get the most use.

        I really like the look of the NES GBASP. I think it will be the SP that I buy if/when I do. Most prob when I get 4Swords


          Im amazed, shocked even, that you feel that way towards the SP Mr nips. Im the complete opposite?

          I used to have the original GBA (got on its launch) but literally only played for a max of an hour in? well, months until the SP was released. I couldn?t stand the thing. Had no interest whatever to play it. Thought it looked quite hideous, felt awkward and the screen was just ridiculous. In fact I traded it for House of The Dead 2 and two Dreamcast light guns on this very site? meh. Was glad to be rid of it tbh?

          But the SP, my goodness is that a different story. After being totally captivated by its design and its feel during the Ntsc-uk meets leading up towards Christmas (heh, I wouldn?t leave Yoshi?s Island alone. Thanks again Mr Papercut for being so lenient with me . Bless your little heart ) I found myself desperately wanting one.

          Since Chrimbo my GBA SP has gone to bed with me every night. Has kept me company on the bus. Allowed me to keep amused while sunbathing in the garden. Has helped pass time when the inevitable late bus is later then usual.

          I found the old GBA design so terribly awkward to hold. Just? didn?t feel? right. Unlike the Gamecube controller that simply molds into your hands. The SP does the same. It molds comfortably. Ive been spending far more time with my SP then my Gamecube or others consoles recently.

          I can?t wait for the DS?

          And especially can?t wait until they reveal the next Gameboy?
          Last edited by Adam Stone; 17-06-2004, 04:07.
          ----Member since April 2002


            Kind of agree with Nips tbh.
            To me the SP is all about cosmetics over functionality,as after 30 mins of Advance Wars 2 (hardly non stop action!) the cramps in my hands are so bad i have to rest for at least an hour before any thought of movement.
            If the GBA had the SP screen id be a happy man. I know about Afterburner but everyone ive seen has been a poor job.
            Never had any problems with the buttons and pad on either though.


              I'm with nips, too. The SP is too small for my (already small) hands and gives me cramp. The D-Pad is hideous, too.

              Still, it's great to see all the GBA love on the forum at the minute. It's a great little handheld that seldom gets the credit it deserves.


                I am happy with it as I love my GBA SP, but I do wish it is one inch bigger in length and width so we can get bigger picture.

                Just the headphone output are crap for me as I can't hear anything at all.


                  Famicom Sp for me, parted with the cash straight away when I saw it.

                  I agree about the D-pad when playing games like SFII revival, its juts not any good Im afraid. Its ok for other types of games which as Nips said "dont involve a great amount of control" but for fighters esp SFII forget it Im afraid.

                  Shame really as otherwise its an excellent console.


                    Damn, I was about to get a 2nd GBA (SP) for Zelda, and cos my original GBA screen got scratched. Now I don't know whether to get an SP or a GBA. This is the first time I've heard anyone say the GBA was better (and I do like it, bar the screen).

                    Incidentally, where can you buy original GBAs nowadays?


                      argos were selling the clear GBA advances for ?30 in their managers specials? otherwise i know you can pick em up in cash converters for ?20.


                        I, also, have to agree with nips

                        I personally have a GBA, the SP's are terrible. After 20 mins or so of gaming, my hands hurt, and i'm forced to put it down.

                        The d-pad is terrible for most games, i tried to play Street Fighter on it.....shame, i couldnt do any of the moves

                        To me the only obviously bonus is the light. Im not even so bothered about the screen, as i reckon it'd probably get just as scratched and knocked about as the GBA


                          The old GBA you could never play it after the 5pm as there was never enough light. and I could never see anything with indoor lights.

                          I swapped my original one in for a GC BBA (what a waste of ?80) that was.

                          Also the screen always got scratched as the was no cover. and it was too big for a pocket, the SP so much better... they just need to up the joy pad very minor change i think.


                            The best thing about the SP is the light, by far. The versitility that the light offers is stunning. I've never had an afterburned GBA, but tbh, I'd much prefer it if the light quality is the same as the SP.

                            Another gripe I have with the SP is that it's harder to play with the light off. I'm not sure, but I think they must set the screen back slightly further so that the LED strips can fit infront of it. This means that when compared to a normal GBA with the light off, the SP looks darker because the screen is further back.

                            20+ hours rechargable battery is untrue becuase it's near impossible to play without the light, 10 hours all the time, even in the middle of the day.


                              GBA SP>GBA for me. The d-pad is still wank, but I find the L/R buttons easier to use (especially the L button). Even if my GBA was backlit, I wouldn't go back to it.

