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Halo - Discussion and Ramblings

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    Halo - Discussion and Ramblings

    Mornin' fellas.

    About 1am last night, I was playing Splinter Cell Online with my friend, well, we weren't playing, we were just sitting in the lobby waiting, as no one would join.

    I then said how I went and played Halo earlier that day for the first time in like a year, and how odd the controls felt. We then went into an hour long discussion on Halo, what we'd like to see from Halo 2, and what we'll be doing online. So i'd like to see you're opinions on both games, just to see what you bring up.

    We both said how we haven't experianced 16 player Halo before, so we feel we still haven't seen what halo has to offer fully. I would imagine it's like a whole different game, hectic, but fun.

    When I went back to Halo the other day, I expected it to feel weird, and it did, but it felt like a whole new game, and I really enjoyed it. It's alot more tactical then I would of thought, and remembered. Like on Legendary, I think there's only a couple of routes you can take, maybe even one, if you want to complete the levels. You can't approach it from different angles, as you'll die, you have to kind of perfect a run. A bit like Ikaruga.

    A topic that came up, was Halo co-op. Which we felt was one of the strongest parts of the game, and something we wish was available online. I really hope it is on Halo 2. Though I feel, in my gut. Halo 2 is not going to feel as good as Halo, for the simple fact that Halo was new. This, will just be a updated version. That's what I feel anyway.

    With co-op, there is nothing better then playing on Legendary, tactically.

    "You do this, while I do this."

    "I'll get him to chase me, while you stick 40 needles in his back."

    It's fantastic.

    And if only this was available online, instead of getting a poxy half a screen. This will be ace in Halo 2, and probably something that i'll play more than the detahmatches if it's available. I'll happily stroll through the game on Heroic by myself, but at the same time, i'll probably play online on Legendary with my friend. To experiance it all, right from the start.

    Well, this started off as "Halo - Discussion" But i've kind of rambled on, so it's been changed slightly.


    Halo is my favourite FPS to date. Yet for some reason I can't seem to get excited about it like I am currently for Half-Life 2.

    Maybe it's as you say... The fact that so much of it feels more of a continuation or an update of what developed and should have been taken on in the first game.

    It doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to it, but Half-Life 2 feels a real leap on from the original. A significant jump forward from what I've seen. While there are definite advancements in Halo 2, it just doesn't appear to have quite the same level of extention.

    Perhaps it's unfair comparing the two in consideration of the fact one sequel is taking advantage of next generation technology in comparison to its original, while the other isn't.

    In any case, they should still be both great games.


      Halo is still my favourite FPS [untill Halo 2 is released 8)], it is still a great experience to play the single player and I still find it as fresh and exciting as I did the first time I completed the game, I did not feel the leap from Heroic to Legendary mode though was that high and if you planned out your attack and had the right weapon combination then you could go through it but it took practice and it does show the true potential (mainly the AI and how you would have to tackle certain areas of the game) that the game offers.

      With co-op, there is nothing better then playing on Legendary, tactically.

      "You do this, while I do this."

      "I'll get him to chase me, while you stick 40 needles in his back."

      It's fantastic.
      Agreed it really is great playing with a friend, planning new attacks and showing how to kick some covenant ass!.
      Last edited by VoyagerFX; 19-06-2004, 18:57.

