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jap ps2 recomendations

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    jap ps2 recomendations

    just got me a jap ps2 (sent my brother down to cex today it has a little white warrenty void sticker on the back that looks just like the one i had put on when i got my pal one chipped ages ago )
    So has any one got any recomendations?
    I mainly got the jap ps2 because of quirky jap games that will never be released anywere else.

    You can start off by getting vf4 evo.



      Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou
      Taiko No Tatsujin

      All excellent games (especially Psyvariar) which will never be released outside Japan.


        Did you trade your US PS2 in for a Jap one today?
        I could only have figured out that it was for you...
        Mate, if you wanna know what good PS2 titles are out just come into CEX and personally ask for me.
        I know a lot about the PS2 as it's my favourite console and I own over 100 original Jap and US PS2 games.

        Most of the good ones have already been recommended but here are some quirky recommendations to get on the Jap PS2 to get you going...
        Super Mic Chan
        Gekibo 2
        Technic Beat
        Guitar Freaks 4th Mix DrumMania 3rd Mix
        Keyboardmania 2nd Mix
        Para Para Paradise
        Real Train Simulator: Yamanote Line
        Guitaro Man
        Super Galdelic Hour
        Jet De Go! 2
        If you wanna know what else is good, just give me a shout!


          You have to get Psyvariar and VF4 evolution. I know both have been mentioned already, but they are the pinnacle of their respective genres.

          I will let you know what Taiko No Tetsujin is like when it arrives tomorrow ^_^


            you'll want a winning eleven game also if your into your footie.

            and keep an eye out for metal slug 3 next month.


              Yeah, you have all mentioned all the great games. If you can't get them all, make sure you at least get VF4:Evo. Also Guilty Gear: XX is damn fine too


                Originally posted by lordcookie
                I will let you know what Taiko No Tetsujin is like when it arrives tomorrow ^_^
                Taiko No Tetsujin is flipping great.
                Taiko No Tetsujin: New Seasons is better though...
                The first track is the Doraemon anime cartoon theme tune!


                  can anyone give me some links to screens and reviews for a few of those games.(like the wierder titles i cant find )
                  Whats ka like?(its called mr mosquito in us isnt it?)
                  and whats switch about i found some screens but i cant make out what the hell is going on in them lol.
                  Im quite interested in real train simulator looks relaxing.
                  I can get vf4 evo for around ?10 so ill pick that up anyway.
                  para para is the dance sim using your arms right? if it is it looks quite good but ive only really heard bad things about it to tell you the truth.
                  drummania looks good so does keyboardmania and guitarfreaks.
                  Im not really into football games but we6 looks quite good might pick it up when its nice and cheap.
                  As for psyvariar its already on its way
                  ive also got kaido battle on its way and someone on these boards is playing it now to that guy whats it like?
                  thanks for all the help everyone
                  specially phillai thanks to you im gunna be broke forever!


                    you can get pal mr mosquito and vf4 evo a tenner where tbh!!!! wtf!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!


                      a friend started a import site and it didnt work out but he still has a few games left and is selling them cheap im getting alot of the games he has left.


                        can he get me any


                          dont see why not ill get a list of games and prices from him in the next few days


                            pm me too moosedeer about the pricelist from your friend!!


                              Well if we are all asking for a list of games, let me know too


