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RPGs and the Summer

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    TOS scored 8.8 at Gamespot and 8.5 at IGN.

    Seems it shares similar problems to Wind Waker; it can take ages to get anywhere. Plus the voice acting isn't so strong, but these don't really put me off the game.


      So whats that in real money? 5?


        The voice acting has put me off the game, its that bad - I've heard it. Won't touch it with a barge pole, but I'm just looking for an excuse, I really don't have the time to put into such an RPG.


          Whats so good about Growlanser: Generations Deluxe anyway?


            Looking forward to Tales of Symphonia, VG+ aren't able to offer the ToS art book for pre-orders though


              Originally posted by darkangel
              Whats so good about Growlanser: Generations Deluxe anyway?
              I've heard lots of good things about the three Japanese games, but this is the first time they have been transalated to English AFAIK. This is the 2nd and 3rd games and by all means they seem to be taking great care with the translation, which is half the battle imo .


                Originally posted by Brats
                I've heard lots of good things about the three Japanese games, but this is the first time they have been transalated to English AFAIK. This is the 2nd and 3rd games and by all means they seem to be taking great care with the translation, which is half the battle imo .

                And also the limited edition comes with the usual Working Designs goodies (see Luna and Arc the lad collection for details). A Growlanser watch...who could ask for more?


                  Great ideas there Tom.

                  I don't know but I always replay one of my favourite RPG's during summer. In most good and lengthy games theres always something, neat little touches, you see that you missed the first time through.

                  Anyway this summer I'll be mostly creaming for Baten Kaitos, maybe Star Ocean but most definately Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (yes, with Dante from DMC), which is finally getting a U.S. release (fingers crossed) sept. 21.


                    Id luv another gradia epic to do the round, this time on the GC! Doe anyone know if the 3rd grandia game was any good? Was it released outside jpn?



                      I want to play a decent single player Final Fantasy game again. It's been seven long years.


                        FF XII is looking good man, love the character design, very Vagrant Story - probably because it's the same chappie.

                        TBH I really enjoyed X & what I've played of X-2, sure they're not up with VII & VIII but good games nonetheless.

                        Shin Megami Tensei is a must pre-order there have been some very favourable reviews in the Japanese press and the art style is so good.


                          I'll add that the US version of Shadow Hearts 2 is out on the 20/09/04. I really didn?t like the first game, but I'm looking forward to this one, as I have an odd fondness for the alternate victorian steampunk-esque universe that Scanoth started in Koudelka.

                          I'm really looking forward to SMT:Nocturne too, and if Atlus can stick to their release dates, the US version of Digital Devil Saga at the end of the year.

                          As for the retro-review section, it would be nice if the games were looked at from a more modern perspective, and the reviews took into account the current price and availability.



                            Do you mean Grandia Xtreme? It was released in America. It's a dungeon crawl and is more of a side story to the series than a full blown sequel. Probably wirth investigating if the best thing about the series to you is the battle system, otherwise I'd probably avoid.

                            Anyhow yes RPG's and the summer always seem to go well. Last summer I spent the best part of 90 hours battling my way through the stunning and unfortunately mostly ignored Dragon Warrior VII. Two years ago I spent my summer batlling my way through Star Ocean 2. Final Fantasy VI and Tales of Destiny 2 and also starting Saiyuki and FF X. I'm currently looking forward to Star Ocean III but TBH I'm a bit fed up with RPG's atm.


                              yes grandia xtreme. So its a dungeon crawler........... hmmmm........ Guess ill jus go for the tales of symphonia then.

                              Thanks gossi for the info!


