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Your Excitement Equation

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    Your Excitement Equation

    For the record, mine is:

    Half Life 2 = ((Far Cry - Doom 3) + Halo) * DirectX9 + ?500 of upgrades

    EDIT: I changed it to be more of an 'equation'. I'm so bored.
    Last edited by Inertia_; 21-07-2004, 23:58.

    Beer + Birds * (knockers out + lots of money) = Excited me.


      Heh. I?ve gotta agree with Mr Tom. Boozing and keeping an eye out for all those lovelys out there = excitement?

      Though, gaming wise... (to be perfectly honest, I?m one of those sad people where new releases creates more excitement, anticipation and general ?cant sleep syndrome? then any material thing like booze could create. heh ) I?m looking forward to the approaching Nintendo titles?

      Metroid Prime 2 is top of the list. I found Metroid Prime utterly convincing? it pulled me into its alien world and wouldn?t let go until I beat it (and then again on Hard for the 'true' experience). Everything felt as though it could be. The puzzles were satisfying. The battle tense and exiting and I just generally fell in love with the title. The back tracking never become tedious for me because I always approached the same areas in different ways? and was far too amazed by the truly captivating environments to care. Beautiful?.

      The sequel looks to be even better. If they had kept almost everything the same and just added new areas to explore and enemies to kill I would have been content. However Retro seem to be going out of their way to make Prime 2 just as original and extraordinary as the first. The light/dark idea has so much potential. I cant wait?

      Resident Evil 4 is my next most anticipated. I really cant wait for this. I adored the Re-make and found Zero flawed, yet still quite amazing. The change in pass of RE4 has me intrigued and I cant wait to see how it plays. It generally just looks so much fun. Indeed u can play for hours advancing in the story, but there seems to be potential to spend hours just exploring the different environments and ways to kill people. Heh. Japanese version first I think, as there is no way I can wait for the US?

      Paper Mario 2 ? wait more can I say really? Sadly I haven?t yet played the first. Though plan to get that for the 64 asap. It looks wonderful. Im assuming the humour will be similar to Mario and Luigi. Cant wait..

      Donkey Kong Jungle Beat ? as I said in the DK JG thread? I didn?t really care much at all for this, though have suddenly become totally intrigued. It looks beautiful, I love the art style? and also, most importantly, so much fun to play. Need to get some Bongos now dammit?

      Zelda Reborn GC ? no more needs to be said. I?ve typed pages of anticipation for this title already in the thread in discussion. This is my most wanted? The Zelda series is my most loved. I'm re-playing OOT and WW now to help pass the time.

      then there are the others? Second Sight, Timesplitters 3, Star Fox and eventually Killer 7. God I love gaming?
      Last edited by Adam Stone; 21-07-2004, 22:12.
      ----Member since April 2002


        pubing or pubbing?


          Ha, pubing....

          For me it goes Half Life 2 > everything else


            hehe, maybe a bit of both... I was a little on the tipsy side when i posted that

            *shakes fist* *edits post*

            ----Member since April 2002



              Heh tipsy at 20 past 9. Quality.


                (vampire bloodlines + kotor 2 + halo 2 + metroid prime 2 + fable + football manager 2005) / (six or so months they all come out in) = (no money + no sunlight + i need more holiday)

                also from the above equation we can infer west > east


                  would like to mention beer but i cant because years of drinking worldwide with the royal navy has ****ed up my insides

                  so whenever i drink i get sever pains in my stomach and bowels

                  so i guy my wife is top of the list and a glass of soda

                  as for games:

                  Metroid prime 2
                  Zelda - all incarnations
                  warioware DS
                  Resident evil 4

                  Yeah i'm a ninty fanbois


                    I think we all are at heart. It's just some people just dont want to admit it

                    hehe, only kidding...

                    I just realized i didnt actually form an equation for my first post:

                    Zelda = Z, Metroid Prime 2 = P2, RE4 = R, Paper Mario 2 = M2, Jungle Beat = D

                    RE4(D + M2 + P2) = Z

                    Notice that all titles will provide a bareable wait before Zelda's release

                    Those are my most looking forward titles - pre-order worthy. Oh, and not forgettin the DS of course.
                    ----Member since April 2002



                      Half Life 2 = ((Far Cry - Doom 3) + Halo) * DirectX9 + ?500 of upgrades

                      There ... that's better.


                        1. Outrun2: Sega driving games rule.

                        I?ve had nasty realization? Im going to need to save some mass wonga.


                          Giant Knockers divided by me = passageway for man meat


                            (Paper Mario 2 + (Zelda ^(Balls have dropped)) + Metroid Prime 2) - Cost of my wedding in 8 weeks time = These will have to be gifts rather than self-purchases.


                              Doom 3 x Winning Eleven 8 + XBL Pro Evo 4 + Paper Mario 2 + Halo 2 = Gaming Nirvana!

