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The Halo 2 Cinema Trailer /

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    The Halo 2 Cinema Trailer /

    Am I the only person who's actually less interested in Halo 2 having seen this much-hyped trailer? Especially with the spectre of Half Life 2 looming on the horizon.

    Hopefully, like the first game, the true strengths will lie in areas a trailer can't convey.
    Last edited by Inertia_; 24-07-2004, 02:15.

    its a teaser trailer - nothing more

    but i still think the trailer is successful in wetting peoples appetite


      True, I suppose. But I was expecting a kind of 'money-shot' for a 45 second theatrical teaser; I dunno, maybe it just seems a bit too familiar at first glance.

      I'm sure everything will be fantastic in the end.


        Just watched it again and peel your eyes ppl and take a look at this, right at the end when the xbox logo appears.

        The url underneath the logo changes, ever so briefly, from too I'm not making this up, go have a look!

        So I went had a nosey at ilovebees and very odd is not the word. Obviously a set up and some crazy marketing but it's done well.

        It's a site, unsurprisingly, about some women and her bees but leave the page open and you get a weird hacked type msg and if you look closer at the txt on the pages there are other bits of txt offset or over the top (some are easier to read if you highlight them) which tell a sort of story. Have a look round all the links and there's apparently some dodgy conspiracy/hacking/countdown at work/going on. All very intriguing.

        Hmm my guess is Nov 9th whatever it may be!

        Cool though... 8)
        Last edited by Len; 24-07-2004, 00:54.


          Sod the dbl post.

          One of the links takes you to a blog with more stuff as well.

          It's all a conspiracy I tell you...
          Last edited by Len; 24-07-2004, 00:58.


            It gets weirder, there's even an irc channel listed in the blog to discuss the problems!

            Somebody go ask if they can get us a copy of Halo 2 early...


              And there's more, reading this a tad caned is great stuff.

              Check the comments on the blog out, good stuff, especially from a name we all might recognise which is quite different to the rest:

              ' /23/2004 06:10:55 AM
              Cortana said...

              That was surprisingly easy. Pretty lax security around here, for all the talk. They will
              be helplessly chasing me around their nodes for the next millenium at least. At least
              there will be some joy in tormenting this other entity that seems quite "trapped" in
              their excuse for a network. Although, for some reason, it does seem to have an obsessive
              preoccupation with my mother. Strange.

              At any rate, I found this "message" in a relatively archaic databank and thought some of
              you might find it of interest. Then again, I'm often either bemused or startled at the
              items you find interesting.

              I'm still not sure what it is he saw in you.


              As they like to say at MaccyD's...I'm lovin it!

              And finally I get to the bottom of the blog comments and it looks like you can post as some ppl already have regards Halo 2 etc.

              Some good discussion here:

              Blogger is a blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.
              Last edited by Len; 24-07-2004, 01:20.


                Bloody hell; this could rank as the strangest marketing campaign I've ever seen. The only possible 'explanation' I can provide is that Bungie or Microsoft have some ambitious new game on the horizon that all this is generating hype for. Or is it some ludicrously post-modern attempt to get everyone hyped about nothing more than hype itself?

                Curious indeed.

                Hehe: thought I'd post a blatant plug for ntsc-uk on there in anticipation of mass linkage.

                There's a whole bloody forum dedicated to it already:

                Last edited by Inertia_; 24-07-2004, 01:31.


                  Excellent. It's good stuff isn't it...?



                    Well, I came across this a few seconds before my apparently primitive brain exploded:

                    A more 'conclusive' explanation:

                    And then this:

                    So ... a fiendishly clever and abstract marketing device developed by Microsoft, now applied to Halo 2. Truly bizarre.

                    Looking for country statistics? NationMaster gives access to market sizing and trends across 300 industry verticals and a global coverage.
                    Last edited by Inertia_; 24-07-2004, 01:54.


                      they did something very similar to this before halo1 as well, though i dont think it was alluded to in any trailers, I remember the bungie forums had HUGE threads about it. Cant remember the specifics now but it did involve a pair of AI's seemingly at loose on the internet.


                        Lol...I couldn't have put it better myself Inertia.

                        Interesting if brain melting stuff, I'll stick with the consoles...


                          Originally posted by Freddo
                          they did something very similar to this before halo1 as well, though i dont think it was alluded to in any trailers, I remember the bungie forums had HUGE threads about it. Cant remember the specifics now but it did involve a pair of AI's seemingly at loose on the internet.
                          Cortana and Durandal...?
                          Last edited by Len; 24-07-2004, 01:59.


                            Originally posted by Len
                            Cortana and Dandalus...?
                            something like that, one was tracking the other

                            I think even before that bungie did it with marathon on the mac, its kind of an ongoing bungie thing


                              Oh bugger dbl post again.

                              Cos it the same universe as Marathon I think...

