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Castlevania Flash Game

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    Castlevania Flash Game

    I saw this mentioned over at Insert Credit and after a quick playtest I'd recommend it to fellow Castlevania fans.

    It's still quite glitchy, and the control is a bit unresponsive, but for a fan-made flash game it's very enjoyable. The into is very babelfish, and has that classic 'bad localisation' vibe too (I think the game's creators are French). Also it rips off my favourite CV tune (for the intro at least) ?The Violin Theme? from CV64/Legacy of Darkness, so plus points there.

    The only problem is, so far I have found no food, making this a bit of an old school experience. Oh and the fact that occasionally you can jump through the games ceiling/floors Still despite this, it's taken up a large part of this afternoon. I might just dig out older CV games later

    Here it is :
    Castlevania : The Blood Way
    Last edited by Meng De; 25-07-2004, 10:21.

    It keep telling me to insert joypads. i don't have any. And it snot loading *boo*


      Yes, it seems my playthough was luckily bug free, as I tried again today and found that the games glitches make it a sometimes unplayable. I'm going to keep this one bookmarked though, as if the programmer keeps updating it, it could turn out to be a winner.

