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Disaster Report (Zettai Zetsumei Toshi)

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    Disaster Report (Zettai Zetsumei Toshi)

    Picked the US version - seems a pretty fun game, a nice change from the usual genres. Is like the fiction version of ICO

    Frame rate is rather inconsistent at certain times when running around (ala Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness), the graphics are blurry as well for some reason - apart from that, the game seems rather interesting, logical puzzles etc. You have a HP and QP meter (Quench Points) so gotta make sure your water levels are topped up from time to time to stop you from dehydrating - a nice panic factor.

    Looked for a review for both versions on here but nothing. Anyways, what you lot think of it then?

    I love this game. An underrated gem as far as i'm concerned. Even the frame rate issues can't detract from the overall experience/atmosphere.

    There are 10 or so different endings as well (some of which can end the game real early and make you feel like a complete bastard ), so unlike a lot of games in the survival horror genre (in this case just plain survival) there is some replay value.

    Btw there was a review on site. As far as i know it was taken down at the writers request.


      Did anyone manage to get a hold of the peripheral that could be used in conjunction with the game to simulate the feeling of being in an earthquake?

      By the sounds of it, it was just a shaking cushion which you sat on which somehow replicates the feeling of being in an earthquake (just like vibrating controllers supposedly replicate the feeling of a bullet piercing the skin or skidding a formula one car into a tire wall).


        The Rez Trance Vibrator works with this game too I think.

