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Latest edge scores - rumoured

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    Latest edge scores - rumoured

    Gradius V: 9
    Riddick: 7
    Spiderman 2: 6
    Sudeki: 6
    Ape Escape Gacha Mecha Athlete: 5

    It is not a rumor.
    I posted the on GA forum.
    They are 100% confirmed.



      Gradius V: 9
      Sheeeiiit, Edge nicking my scores again!

      (Joke, in case they're feeling litigious )


        Edge making ammends for it's ridiculous Radiant Silvergun review, and less than stellar Ikaruga review?

        Couldn't care less though, Edge scores are like all magazine scores, - worthless. Assuming the public do want reviews and must be told what to buy/play, then I would favor no scores, and at least 3 different opinions on each game.


          When do we get the GamesVille scores thread, that's what I want to know.


            Couldn't care less though, Edge scores are like all magazine scores, - worthless.

            "Such wisdom shows you have completed your training....."


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
              Edge making ammends for it's ridiculous Radiant Silvergun review, and less than stellar Ikaruga review?
              What do you mean? Both games got positive reviews if I remember correctly.


                Originally posted by nickgodfrey
                What do you mean? Both games got positive reviews if I remember correctly.
                Didn't RS get a 6? Or 7 perhaps?

                And Ikaruga was an 8 if memory serves.

                Both games are in the opinions of many, perfect examples of their genre, and so deserving of perfect scores. (10)


                  Originally posted by Saurian

                  "Such wisdom shows you have completed your training....."
                  I thank you.

                  Since realising that reviews were worthless, I have enjoyed PN03, Gun Valkyrie, Galleon, and other games that many would tell me I shouldn't have liked but did.


                    Edge gave RS an 8. It is one of the few issues I actually bought.


                      I think PN03 is a work of genius - magazine scores are meaningless to me as I can pick a game system apart in a few minutes play, they do 2 page spreads and barely scratch the surface....

                      What about all the other shoot em ups they didnt review properly, Panzer Dragoon Orta and the Psyvariar series were treated like they were nothing. If Gradius was nothing to do with Treasure it wouldnt have scored much at all I bet.
                      Last edited by Saurian; 29-07-2004, 12:05.


                        Maybe. But they've been fawning over Gradius V for at least a year now; anything less than devotion would be something of a climbdown.

                        You're right that they're completely unreliable on their shmup reviews, though. Compare last month's EspGaluda review to their one of Psyvariar 2 (which basically consisted of saying "its a really good shooter, but the game format is too dated") from a little while back, and either laugh heartily or just cry...


                          It's not just shooters either. I always like to re-read their reviews having played the game for myself, and oftentimes, it seems as though they either didn't play long enough, or played an entirely different game.

                          I recently re-read their Viewtiful Joe review; such hyperbolic melodrama - you'd think it was the most difficult game ever created by the sounds of it. :/

