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Nintendo DS: Old vs. New

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    Nintendo DS: Old vs. New

    "We're getting close to what will be a final design. You'll see it shortly...we're mostly home." -- Perrin Kaplan

    When Nintendo revealed the Nintendo DS' new system design today, it wasn't entirely a huge surprise. After all, Nintendo Vice President of Corporate Affairs Perrin Kaplan went on the record at E3 two months ago saying that the unit would receive a handful of tweaks beyond what was already seen.

    And today was that day. Nintendo revealed the final, sleekified system design of the Nintendo DS. What's changed? A lot. Note that most of the alterations were cosmetic -- the basic layout has remained the same, as has the system capabilities.

    It definitely looks better. Sexier. More like a gadget and less like a brick. Though the system looks suspiciously like a glasses case when closed, it's much better than the original design, which lacked any personality when shut.

    The hinging that connects the upper half with the bottom has also been changed. On the original system, the hinges were towards the outside. For the final design, Nintendo streamlined this by pretty much mirroring the hinge of the Game Boy Advance SP, removing the black plastic between the two screens in the process.

    E3 2004

    Final Design

    Note on the original design the D-pad and Start/Select buttons featured a recession so that when the system's closed, the top portion didn't mash down any of the controls. On the final design, the partial recessions are now fully uniform in a rectangular design. The Start and Select buttons have also been moved to the opposite side, with the power button taking their place.

    The one thing that concerns us is the position of the power button, and how easily it looks like it can be accidentally pressed. Hopefully if this is indeed where the power button goes, it's a "press and hold" power button like most gadgets have nowadays. It's most likely how it functions, since Nintendo has spotlighted the units' sleep mode ability -- quickly tap to go into sleep mode, press and hold to power down completely. That's just an educated guess, though.

    Right side

    E3 2004 Model.

    Final Design

    Like the left side, the old design's right side features the same half-circle indentation so that the buttons won't get pushed when the system closes. The power button was originally on this side as well. In the new design, the right side also features the same uniform indentation as the left. Newly added to the design is a recession around the A, B, X, Y buttons. Judging by the Lefty/Righty debate of the Nintendo DS design, this new recession was most likely included to cater to the Lefties so they can more comfortably use the four buttons as a D-pad.

    You'll also find the start and select buttons on the right side now. They've been moved here most likely so they can function in a better location as the other "action" buttons.


    E3 2004 Model

    Final Design

    Today's announcement also revealed that the Nintendo DS system will feature stereo sound without the need for headphones. Which means, that the unit will have two speakers built into it. The E3 version only had one speaker, inset in the right side's top half button recession. Since the new design features a deeper indentation around the controls, the system designers didn't need the additional well for the top half of the unit. So the speakers (two of them, one on each side of the upper screen) are the familiar series of tiny holes in the plastic.


    E3 2004 Model

    Final Design

    The microphone, required for the Nintendo DS' promised voice recognition capabilities, hasn't changed positions. The microphone is essentially in the same exact location on both systems. But on the new design, it's more clearly marked and visible...not camouflaged by the shiny, black plastic border.

    Note that the system might receive one more change between now and its release. The new design doesn't have the Nintendo DS name anywhere on the unit, most likely due to Nintendo's last-minute decision of retaining the project name as the final name. We're guessing that the branding will be placed along the bottom border of the upper screen.

    Nintendo also revealed that the new system now has a location to store the stylus pointer, a feature left off the original E3 design. But the new photographs don't show where that will be -- we're guessing that there's slots for it towards the rear of the unit, most likely near the cartridge slot near the hinge.

    For the official announcement of the new design, as well as high resolution images of the unit, click here. Stay tuned for more details, including forthcoming pricing and release date announcements.

    As i said in the other thread, looks much nicer...

    But i really don?t understand this:
    The one thing that concerns us is the position of the power button, and how easily it looks like it can be accidentally pressed
    Its been mentioned in the other thread also. And it confuses the hell out of me tbh. Do people really misplace their thumbs so dramatically from the D-Pad? I cant see how anybody could do so really... Never during any play experience with a D-Pad has my thumb moved anywhere aside the D-Pad itself... i really cant see how the power button being where it is could possibly be a problem.

    Or is that just me?
    ----Member since April 2002


      Its because the yanks a fat fingered freaks, remember that whole GBA shoulder button debacle, and the change of the bean buttons on the Cube pad. I suspect they all have velcro shirt fronts because buttons are too fidley. Also they must have the hand eye coordination of a woman of 102 if they think they are gonna hit the freaking power button!


        To be fair, it is unnecessarily close to the D-pad. If it only takes a little tap to turn the thing off, it could potentially be a bit of a problem. Maybe.


          I dont think through all my years of gaming my thumb has slipped off a d-pad enough to switch the thing off. It would be nice to see the rear ports


            Sorry re-post about this issue (imo its so ridiculous it doesn?t deserve the attention) But I was just sitting here, with a controller and GBA in my hands, trying to work out any plausible way a person could miss-press the power button and im completely stumped.

            Unless you?re a horse, dog or some other form of animal (tho a monkey probably wouldn?t have a problem) there is literally no way someone could ?accidentally press? it.

            Heh. Anyhoo?

            ----Member since April 2002



              From looking at the images everything with the DS seems to have changed from being quite toyish to being bling111!!! If you look at all the images above everything looks like its been improved personally.


                got a soggy dog turd from the street and stick a nintendo stamp on it and i would buy it

                fanbois = me

                i just like playing engrossing games - not a bad thing eh


                  Originally posted by Sprite Machine
                  To be fair, it is unnecessarily close to the D-pad. If it only takes a little tap to turn the thing off, it could potentially be a bit of a problem. Maybe.
                  Thats the issue really, I suspect the button will have a delay on it, so it needs to be depressed for a second to turn the machine off. Negating all this ridiculous bollox that is being spouted at the moment.

                  If this is the only major flaw they can think of then the DS could be a really hot bit of kit.


                    it might look close but I personally can't remember a time when my thumb has ever slipped off a dpad like that.

