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Sega Ages Decathlete Collection

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    Sega Ages Decathlete Collection


    Has anyone got this yet? If so, how does it compare to the Arcade/Saturn/DC originals.


    Is this actually out. I thought I saw it on preorder at Play-asia. Being a big fan of the originals Im tempted. And if they have implemented 4 player for decathlete then I will defo pick up a copy.


      Was this called Virtua Athlete in England?
      It's got to be out soon to coinside with the Olympics.


        OK a quick 101

        Decathlete and Winter Heats are Saturn Ports of the arcade games (running on STV hardware). Decathlete is called something else in PAL land (possibly virtua athlete can't remember)

        Decathlete was 2 player, Winter Heats used the multitap and was 4 player.

        Virtua Althlete on the Dreamcast is a piss poor update of the original Decathlete, with fewer events and zero charm.

        What we want from this sega ages remake is improved graphics which retain the comedy and charm of the originals. Plus 4 player options for both games. Well, thats all I want anyway. This is still a perenial favourite amongst my friends and I have no doubt that both games will be played over the olympics, hopefull on PS2
        Last edited by Madbury; 02-08-2004, 15:58.


          Originally posted by Trevor Bradbury
          Decathlete and Winter Heats are Saturn Ports of the arcade games (running on STV hardware). Decathlete is called something else in PAL land (possibly virtua athlete can't remember)
          Athlete Kings, I believe.

          Originally posted by Trevor Bradbury
          Virtua Althlete on the Dreamcast is a piss poor update of the original Decathlete, with fewer events and zero charm.
          Not strictly true - it was developed to try and compete with the likes of Track and Field, and Sydney 2000 and failed miserably. It wasn't all that terrible, but it wasn't any good either.

          So, is this just the Saturn versions of Decathlete and Winter Heat then? If so, I think I might buy it as I loved both of them. I've got the arcade version of Decathlete on my Xbox (detectable through MAME) and it doesn't work - the latest version of MAME starts it up, but because STV stuff isn't quite compatible, it crashes once it reaches the 'Checking system, please wait a few seconds' screen. Same with Radiant Silvergun and a few other games too.



            Oh yes which athletic game is the best can be on any of big 4 consoles no matter what region.


              Thank god I've got arcade sticks. I don't think the Dual Shocks analogue buttons would stand up very well to this.


                Arcade and Saturn Decathlete is class.

                It's sooo humorous and there were a lot of hidden depth to the game like the javelin throwing.

                I'm also eager to know if this is any good on the PS2 too...

                What I do know is this, it's also got Winter Heat on it as well.

                I personally thought Winter Heat was a big let down.


                  Originally posted by phillai
                  Arcade and Saturn Decathlete is class.

                  It's sooo humorous and there were a lot of hidden depth to the game like the javelin throwing.

                  I'm also eager to know if this is any good on the PS2 too...

                  What I do know is this, it's also got Winter Heat on it as well.

                  I personally thought Winter Heat was a big let down.

                  No no no. My misguided friend. Winter Heats > Decathleate for many reasons. Let me explain

                  1. Winter Heats has 11 events vs Decathletes 10
                  2. Winter Heats is 4 player vs Decathletes 2
                  3. Winter Heats has exactly the same hidden depth as Decathlete, but possibly more-so.

                  Both are fantastic, but the 4 player mode of Winter Heats makes for a superb party game. That's why I'm hoping they've added 4 player for Decathlete and retained it for Winter Heats. My big fear is that both games will be 2 player only. Effectively destroying the value of this package.

                  --EDIT-- Actually I've been thinking some more about this and you're probably right, the variety of events in Decathlete, elevates it above Winter Heats, its the damned 4 player mode that clinches it though.
                  Last edited by Madbury; 03-08-2004, 08:38.


                    I destroyed an arcade machine in one afternoon playing Decathlete - I don't want that sort of game on a home machine! Mucho Costo!



                      I think you need to adjust your technique. You need to use the vibrating finger method more than the smashing button method.


                        You worry for nothing my friend:

                        Says here it's 4 player.


                          But vibrating finger feels as though I am damaging myself. I prefer the free flowing destroy something else method.


                            Originally posted by innovator
                            You worry for nothing my friend:

                            Says here it's 4 player.
                            Ah thank the heavens, and thanks for the linky. This could be the party game of the olympics.

                            I was worried with Sega's recent record (especially the Sega Ages stuff) I thought they might have cocked it up.

                            SharkAttack try using a saturn 3d pad, but back to front. You can rest the palm of your right hand over the dpad and wiggly stick to give you better purchase on those all important buttons.


                              Scratch method works well aswell - scratching your fingers over small pad buttons is a fast way. I used to proper cuss people for banging up my machines at work - there is never a need to psysically bang buttons.

                              Another one of my hates is people who seem to think that the Sanwa sticks on Virtua Strikers etc had some sort of force control too, why people feel the need to push the joysticks so hard that the housing breaks is beyond me.

