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Gaming Rage - A lesson learned

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    Gaming Rage - A lesson learned

    I'll start off with setting the scene, for the last few days I've been replaying Shenmue 2. One of my all time favourite videogames.

    Disc 4 was in the Dreamcast and I had progressed quite far. The doorbell rang and my mates bundled in and said they were heading to the beach for a couple of hours.

    Obviously i gotta go! 8)


    At my current position of disc 4 I was unable to save. Everyone suggests I just pause Shenmue 2 and turn the tv off. This appears to be the only solution. What choice do I have?

    Few hours later return home, turn on the tv
    I am looking at the main Dreamcast screen, wheres Shenmue 2?

    So the Dreamcast decided to reset itself as punishment for me enjoying the great weather, bastard. Now I have to replay the majority of disc 4. No spoilers but I really don't think I can motivate myself to redo it all again. ft:

    Anyone else suffered a similar predicament?
    Last edited by Kungfu; 06-08-2004, 16:43.

    I think everyone at some stage has succumbed to lack of saving a regular intervals. Too many times have I continued without saving only to die and have to redo a large portion of the game, or worse still, sit through hugely long videos or FMVs that cannot be skipped.


      My uncle once paused Sonic 2 on his tv for about 16 hours

      He then had sonic running his merry way across his tv forever ;p


        We have all had something like this at some point, my worst is my memory card data being broken on my faulty PS2 memory card. Then to get another memory card and it to do the exact same thing, can't remember how long it takes to get all the characters on Tekken Tag Tournament but i seem to have done it about 7 times. I back up everything now


          Ah man, I was devastated when I lost all my Gamecube saves earlier in the year ? my entire Official 251 card was wiped. Literally hundreds of hours gone, just like that. But even more horrid was the fact many of the saves were things which I will never find the enthusiasm to do again. Like collecting all Trophies in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Almost every frickin blue coin in Sunshine (i needed 2 or 3 more!), every character unlocked in Timesplitters 2. All gone. Saves for Eternal Darkness all three times beat, every mode beaten on Resident Evil (beat 'survival mode' in under 2:30hours!), Metroid Prime, every mission in Soul Calibur 2, hours spent on PNO3, and tones of other games ? many half-fully completed. I wasn?t a happy bunny.

          After awhile I re-played titles such as Metroid Prime, Zelda etc but others such as Timesplitters and Mario shall remain unfinished. Shame really.

          It is definitely a frustrating thing? also a slight feeling of meaningless when lost data experiences occur. Obviously nothing can take away those genuine moments of utter bliss and enjoyment with the titles, but the lose of data still leaves a bitter taste ? a sense of ?nothing to show? for all those hours.

          ?Gaming rage? indeed
          ----Member since April 2002


            Adam - reading that list makes tears of pure pain come to my eyes. I have most of those games, but haven't acheived any of that. All characters on TS2? Thrice through ED? Resi in what time... blimey.

            I haven't lost anything of that kind, so far. I never accept less than official memory cards, because I've seen mates lose it all in the past. But that memory card was an official job??? ****... best back up my stuff!


              I got really far on GTA3 on the PC, about 85% I would say.

              One day when I was bored, I thought I would start over and put all guns on and go a bit mad, After about 15mins I saved the game... dunno why I guess I fell into a habbit of doing it. Thing is without thinking I saved over my main save file, Aggh!.

              I was a bit pissed off and didn?t play GTA3 again until it came out on Xbox. .


                lost all my Pro Evo data once on PS1, that was a right pisser

                also the other day iw as palying Zelda:OTT and started a temple, got bt by boss and hadnt saved since entering, was a bastard!!


                  Originally posted by Jakeway
                  I got really far on GTA3 on the PC, about 85% I would say.

                  One day when I was bored, I thought I would start over and put all guns on and go a bit mad, After about 15mins I saved the game... dunno why I guess I fell into a habbit of doing it. Thing is without thinking I saved over my main save file, Aggh!.

                  I was a bit pissed off and didn?t play GTA3 again until it came out on Xbox. .
                  Did something similar with Vice City with only a couple of missions remaining, although I didn't overwrite the save - somehow I managed to select the delete button on the save screen. Had that sinking feeling, oh yes...

                  The lack of a save point between three final boss fights on Arc: Twilight of the Spirits killed any desire to finish it once the last of them cheaped me to death. Loved the game, too.

                  Thankfully I have yet to experience a memory card being wiped, but I am always weary of it.


                    Originally posted by Tig
                    All characters on TS2?
                    ugh couldnt be arsed doing that again, get way too pissed off when the high level bots buggily shoot at you when they're facing the wrong way


                      To my knowledge you can save shenmue anywhere in the game. Jus press start and save the game in the options. If you was on a cut scene you can always skip it then press start. hmm....... very strange you had to leave it like that. Besides disc 4 is so beautiful, its abonus to play through it all again!



                        I remember when I was playing PSO episode one on the DC and I spent hours!
                        and I mean hours! Getting to level 86!

                        Then the Hackers came, and after I got all my stuff stolen etc the final insult came... VMU kill... You know I nearly cried that day, lets see this was:

                        *100 hours + on PSO

                        *HeadHunter save game file wiped, when I had saved right before the final VR test before going into the final area.

                        *RE:CV: In the middle of disk 2, gone!

                        *Shenmue 1 and 2 save files gone! (Shenmue was finished, but I was on the fat guy right before the final disk on 2!)

                        *Rez gone

                        *SoA (Finished file, all pirates got, cupil final form, secret islands etc) gone!

                        *Fur Fighters gone! And I put hours into that game!

                        *Sonic 1 and 2 gone!

                        *Seaman gone! (Was nearly final form!)

                        *D2 (Had finished) gone!

                        Theres tons more 2, as Both more VMUs got killed! I didnt have the heart to do half of those games again after that


                          VMU kill? how do they do that? or did the VMU you had jus conk out on yah?



                            I'm surprised no-ones mentioned Gaming Rage of a slightly different style. I mean that uncontrollable rage that wells up inside you when you once again die/lose at that certain point in the game and it sends you mental. I'm talking about not just controller but whole bloody console going out the window followed by some incredibly choice and diverse swearing.

                            I remember a classic moment was Green Beret on the Spectrum, I must have been 10 or 11 and after dying for the umpteenth time at the same point on the 3rd or 4th level (I can't exactly remember) I swore viciously and brought my fist down slap bang in the center of that bastard rubber keyboard and in the process nearly smashed it in two. Followed by my mother wanting to know wtf was going on and how those games can't be a good!

                            Of recent times I'm sure the neighbours must get a tad worried on given days after another wind up by, for example Ninja Gaiden or somethjing equally annoying. Some absolutely appalling swearing floats out of our front room window and amongst the community, they must think they have a physcho next door. It's at this point I usually have to switch the machine off and go for a break/smoke, usually followed by comingg back 1/2 hr later and doing said problem first time. It's just the way things work I suppose...

                            So anyone else know what I'm talking about or is it just me...?


                              Originally posted by 112
                              VMU kill? how do they do that? or did the VMU you had jus conk out on yah?

                              I'm not sure man, they are hackers, ask them...

                              And Len, I know that feeling all to well, esp when your really far on resi with no save ribbons left, with one more hit your dead and very little ammo, so you have to end up redoing the whole bloody game ft:

