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    You tell me, you bunch of freaks. Why on God's green and blue earth do we preconceive ideas about games before they or out. Or even freaking slate opinion on a game without even playing it!

    I for one find the publisher THQ a complete joke, any game with that terrible logo applied to it immediate falls into the "Gotta be crap" pigeon hole. But last night a played a game published by THQ, and not only was it not crap, it was pretty competent if not good.

    There are alot of games out there these days, I mean loads, is this just the only way we can filter the hoards of game trying to gleam our attention? Whats the best surprise, I recall when Ubi Soft were a complete joke but now....

    You're right about preconceptions... EA games nowadays are a good example, with hardcore gamers (including me) believing them to be just pointless cash cows. But some of their games actually aren't too bad. I've also been guilty of putting opinions on games before playing it but I'm not really sure why. But everyone has preconceived ideas about everything, its a fact of life. Its the same as saying "huh, Jerry bruckheimers new film is out, no doubt it'll be a crap, inaccurate big budget bore-fest" when actually a couple of his films are quite good. Well, Pirates was alright....


      Some kind of schemata definition system?


        We conceive these ideas, because of the companys history with making games, and some companies just have a few yrs of making good games, (like accalim, they done Turok 2, then done fur fighters) and now look at them!

        And the whole EA thing? Ok they have made some good games but those good games are to wide and inbetween, tbh most of EAs stuff is a load of steaming dog ****, just look at MOH:Rising Sun. But I guess you can say that for everything company, even Nintendo has made one or 2 bad games, and that bad game in my opnion was Mario Sunshine, it was good but they could of done better.

        Do you see what i'm trying to get at here?


          Well, becuase of the internet, and other secondary sources such as magazines it is possible to gain an understanding of generally how good a game is without having to play it. Obviously, this allows you to only buy games that suit you... well in theory.

          Then, on top of that you have other factors such as the developers past record of games, or even previous versions of the same series. There is just so much information around, that it's not too difficult to get a strong appreciation for a game before you play it. But of course, irrespective of that, the only way you can truely judge a game is to experience it yourself.


            Because we as a human race are miserable bastards! We complain and whinge about everything! We generally like to rant! And to criticise something is always easier than praising it. As we tend to be more pesemistic than positive. Its the way the crooked world has made us. So why complain? jus join in the fun!



              So, if I started up a games company, Jibbertronic and produced a fantastic 3rd person sheep rearing game, with sci-fi intonations, would I have to get it published by EA, or Ubi Soft for you to want to buy it?


                Well if it was Ubi Soft I'd probably think "what are those wacky french people up to now?" and buy it when its been out a while, if it were EA i'd think "hmm its weird for ea to release a game without a film name or sporting body in the title...I think i'll give it a miss...". Then again Ea would probably change the name to "Goldeneye: Sheep Rearer"

                But all of thats true if I block out my extreme prejudice conotations of Jibbertronic


                  Get it developed by sega and ill buy it lol! Also release it on the xbox with the option to have personal music streaming from the HD present in game. And Review it in Edge to get a 9/10 and ill buy it! Also release it at a budget price with the words limited edition and it will sell by the bucket load!



                    In gaming terms at least, preconceived ideas of a given comapany are born out of the reputation they've carved for themselves (be it good or bad).

                    It's not unreasonable to assume a THQ game might be crap if most of their previous efforts have been, as it's all you have to go on.


                      Originally posted by darkangel
                      We conceive these ideas, because of the companys history with making games, and some companies just have a few yrs of making good games, (like accalim, they done Turok 2, then done fur fighters) and now look at them!#
                      Aside from bad syntax - Acclaim didn't develop Fur Fighters, Bizarre Creations did. And what an ace game it was.

                      I can't play every single game under the sun, so I have to get my views from somewhere.

