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Best Remake

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    Best Remake

    No, I don't mean which is the best remake of a previous game - I'm thinking more along the lines of remade characters, buffed-up sprites, and generally things made more bad-ass with better technology/budgets.

    1) Ryu Stage Street Fighter III

    Fantastic update to the old Street Fighter 2 favourite. I didn't even realise it was supposed to be an update til recently.

    2) Terry Bogard SNK vs Capcom Chaos

    Terry's amazing sprite in this is fantastic. The way he bobs is just so much cooler than before.

    3) Imp Doom III

    Played the game through twice - still love the way they menacingly waltz around.

    Any more for any more?

    Erm... particle sparks from Perfect Dark which look like an older John Woo movie compared to their sprite-based predecessors in GoldenEye that didn't look very sparky. :P And then Halo's spark improvements over PD's.


      Heh, I was going to say Terry in Garou, but I guess you did it for me :P


        Got to give a mention to the courses from F-Zero GX / amazing update to the SFC / N64 versions.


          The gorgeous harmonic "reversioned" musical cues in Metroid Prime...


            Jill from Biohazard remake is much more tastier and if you look carfully she even jiggles in all the right departments this time! Not that i was paying too much attention, to her ahem.

            Akira in VF4 EVO looks much more intimidating now than ever, especially how he keeps mumbling japanese lingo after each round and even during. He's also a lot more buffed up and to some degree ridiculously defined.



              I kinda liked Solid Snake's acrobatics in Twin Snakes.

