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SVC: Chaos lineup?

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    SVC: Chaos lineup?

    Playmore reveals more of the characters in its upcoming NeoGeo crossover fighting game.

    Playmore has updated its site with a list of the characters who will be found in the company's upcoming crossover fighting game, SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos. The lineup of characters on SNK's side will include Kyo, Iori, Mai, Terry, Earthquake, Ryo, Shiki (Samurai Shodown 64), and Choi. On Capcom's side, the characters that have been confirmed are Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Hugo, Guile, Tabasa (Warzard), Dhalsim, and Akuma.

    SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos is scheduled to hit Japanese arcades this summer

    By Hirohiko Niizumi, GameSpot [POSTED: 04/24/03 01:04 PM]
    That seems a little... sparse.
    I hope that's only some of the fighters!


    Originally posted by Treble
    Can't wait to see the full lineup...
    I doubt there will be more than about 12-15 characters, depending on the size of the ROM count.
    I said that back in March. Basically, if they want to make the game pretty (loads of animation and nice backgrounds), they'll have to keep the number of characters down (as SNK did with Garou - Mark of the Wolves).

    It doesn't matter if there aren't massive amounts of characters as long as the ones selected represent the two companies well. Do you think that lineup does...?


      It would appear that is indeed the complete line-up. I certainly have no problem with a smaller roster of fighters, lets face it who ever plays with more that a couple of characters. I think a more streamlined selection of chars is a good idea (Capcom vs SNK possibly had too many characters), but there a few strange choices in there. Hugo? Tabasa? Shiki?


        Despite being one of the world's biggest Capcom fans, I've never played Warzard. This is because I have never, ever seen it. Because of this, I've never used Tabasa except for in Pocket Fighters, so I can't comment on how she plays in a 'proper' game. Same with Samurai Spirits 64 - never seen it (or even the hardware it runs on) anywhere.

        I'm all for using the more obscure characters the respective series have produced when there is a big roster, but I will wait and see if this is a good or bad move in such a small list.

        Good to see characters from CPS-3 games though. Hopefully, they'll have a large number of their animation patterns (although this isn't a given, as Yang's were cut significantly in C vs SNK). I have a suspicion that they will be CPS-3 standard. The evidence:
        • Small character roster
        • All characters bar Dhalsim have appeared in CPS-3 games (either Warzard or Street Fighter 3)
        • Hugo instead of Zangief? Would hint that they want a character with a larger number of frames of animation

        Now all that remains is to see what the SNK characters will look like. I still think the game will use either a new engine (it won't be the one used in C vs SNK 2, as this is licensed to Capcom) or the Garou one.

        I like the SNK lineup bar Choi. Why not one of their newer, shinier characters, like Angel or Vanessa?

        Oh, and there are bound to be a couple of hidden bosses: probably Vega (Bison in the West) and Rugal, is my guess.


          Good to see Guile is in there, but none of the characters I've been hoping for have been included yet >_<

          Warzard was a good game - but we were so spoilt in them days for quality beat em ups and wicked challenges on SF Zero 2, VF3 and KOF 96/97 it didnt get much attention.
          The only problem I had with the game was that there were only 4 characters, all 4 of them were heavy tho ^^

          I want Clark, Goro Daimon, Robert, Galford, Hanzo and The Griffon too XD and there best be some Zangief and he better have range! They should do a special range edition with nothing but grab characters!


            Looks like the rumour that Dante would be in it were guff.

            Which is a SHAME, boy!


              its not a bad line up, but i'm still hoping there will be more to come.
              cant comment on the snk side as i dont really know them, but for capcom i would rather see more characters not from street fighter 2. even if it was just nash instead of guile, and more 3rd strike/new characters, like alex and makoto.
              (and just personally...i wish gouki would disapear for ever)


                I hear that totally man!

                There is NO need for Gouki anymore, I have never met a Gouki player I respect for skill as the character is just pure TEEF!
                I would LOVE to see Alex in it tho - He's such a class character to play as; one of the best grab characters imo.


                  I wish the cheesy bitch Gouki would go as well ft:

                  We all have our preferences, but who do you think would be good for the franchise? Considering they are running a buisness and trying to please the 2D fighter acolytes, which would help to keep the balance and bring-in the punters?

                  In these terms, the lineups look ok. Tabasa might be a little out of place, but she has great design and a lot of appeal, graphically speaking. Earthquake and Hugo are imposing, and are of very good design (Hugo from Final Fight is particularly well designed). I think maybe throw in one of the more left-field characters with unusual move lists (like Karin with her counters, and Gen with his different stances), and you'd have the perfect balance.

                  The SNK lineup is definitely more predictable, and a little bland. Saur highlighted the lack of a decent throw-based character, and I know no-one who seriously uses Choi as part of their team. K', Angel, Vanessa or Yashiro all look excellent, are seriously good characters, and exemplify SNK's design sensibilities as well as any of the others do.

                  All of SNK's characters are mor 'quirky' than Capcom's anyway, so the inclusion of Choi is a bit redundant, if that's what they were intending.

                  Yup, it's a shame that characters from a wider variety of games aren't present (Blue from Raguy and Arthur from GnG would be ace!), as I'm sure a 2D Dante or Samonosake (sp?) from Onimusha would be very well received.

                  Anyway, let's not be too picky: it's bound to be a good game, and if they believe that keeping a more traditional lineup of core characters will help sales, then I am behind that way of thinking.


                    Say what you want about Gouki but he is by far the most popular character! All I ever heard about EX2 and SF3 was

                    'Is Akuma in the game??'

                    The so much so the 2nd edition of SF3 got him in there pretty damn sharpish!

                    Altho, 8 capcom characters and 3 of them being fireball, dragon punch, spinning kick is a bit much!

                    I don't mind the idea of having less characters...but if that is the case shouldn't they only use 'elite' characters! What the point in having less characters if ou're gonna bung it less popular ones!?

                    They should have had a vote like with KoF 2002 where you vote for your favourite characters and the highest voted go in the game.


                      I don't mind the idea of having less characters...but if that is the case shouldn't they only use 'elite' characters! What the point in having less characters if ou're gonna bung it less popular ones!?
                      To make the game more 'colourful'? I dunno. The lineup really isn't that bad, you know, and there would have been a riot if Ken and Ryu weren't in there.

                      I don't think they 'decided' to have fewer characters for any other reason that they had to ensure the visuals will be up to a high standard. The fewer the characters, the better the backgrounds and the larger the number of frames of animation.

                      Gouki is popular cos he is teh cheese, mate, and he should be banned from all competition.


                        Originally posted by Treble
                        I don't mind the idea of having less characters...but if that is the case shouldn't they only use 'elite' characters! What the point in having less characters if ou're gonna bung it less popular ones!?
                        To make the game more 'colourful'? I dunno. The lineup really isn't that bad, you know, and there would have been a riot if Ken and Ryu weren't in there.

                        I don't think they 'decided' to have fewer characters for any other reason that they had to ensure the visuals will be up to a high standard. The fewer the characters, the better the backgrounds and the larger the number of frames of animation.

                        Gouki is popular cos he is teh cheese, mate, and he should be banned from all competition.
                        There is a fine between making the game colourful and filling it with lame characters to add 'variance'

                        Why do visuals have to be a high standard? Do you think about visuals when you play KoF or the original SF2s? They are purely secondary at the end of the day. KoF 2001 was full of terrible backgrounds...but it doesn't stop me loving it. I think they have made a conscious decision to go with less characters the have a higher standard of visuals to try and entice new players to try it......this is just my own guess tho!

                        Yes Gouki is cheap and that is what makes him popular.....People love the cheap option! Again people would be in uproar if he wasn't included!!


                          I think they have made a conscious decision to go with less characters the have a higher standard of visuals to try and entice new players to try it......this is just my own guess tho!

                          Yes Gouki is cheap and that is what makes him popular.....People love the cheap option! Again people would be in uproar if he wasn't included!!
                          That's exactly what I just said!

                          KoF games cater almost solely to the people who are already deep into the franchise and 2D scrappers in general. I think Playmore are trying to broaden the appeal a little, and can only do this by improving the visuals. Even so, they won't come anywhere near the likes of GGXX because of hardware limitations.

                          Still, I can't wait.


                            Originally posted by Treble
                            I think they have made a conscious decision to go with less characters the have a higher standard of visuals to try and entice new players to try it......this is just my own guess tho!

                            Yes Gouki is cheap and that is what makes him popular.....People love the cheap option! Again people would be in uproar if he wasn't included!!
                            [color=maroon]That's exactly what I just said!
                            Oops I mis-read your post!

                            I was also emphasising the fact that because Gouki is popular and cheap, there would be an uproar if he wasn't included!

                            I am really excited about the potential of the game, but am a little reserved...until I know more about it.


                              I'd kill to see a screenshot. I'm still hopeful for it despite some omissions in the line-up. To me in some ways the 2 CVS games were always somewhat of a let down as far as styling and some content went. Hopefully SVCC can at least keep itself more in line with the franchises its supposed to be representing.

                              *Remembers CVS1's early shots with 2D power stone background*

