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Savour or Taste: What do you prefer?

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    Savour or Taste: What do you prefer?

    Are you a gamer who prefers to merely "taste" what a title has to offer by blitzing through it as quicky as possible; foregoing any additionals that the game may contain, purely to see the ending?

    Or do you prefer to "savour" your games; exploring everything it has to offer and savouring the experience that might eminate from such a title?

    Obviously, this is completely subjective, but I guess I never understood why people on the day of release of a big title, would post ex-amount of hours later on a gaming forum, "Finished <Game Here>". Surely, after the wait for such a title, you would think the player would want to savour every moment it has to offer, not blitz through it in the quickest time possible.

    Horses for courses I guess.

    I'm a bit of both to be honest. If I really get into a game, then I'll take the time to see everything it has to offer, if I'm not really "feeling" it as such, then I'll be content with having seen the final scenario, but what with the mountain of games that deserve attention these days, that doesn't happen often.

    I tend to just blast through a game as quickly as possible, not deliberately , its just the way I play, especially with story led games


      I prefer to "savour" games...

      With Arcade games, I never use continues or reduce the difficulty. If I can't get very far on one credit, then so be it...I'll just keep trying with one credit untill I can.

      With something like a Zelda game, I can't resist chopping down every single blade of grass to see what I could be missing.


        Yeah taking your time with games is the only way. Especially with role playing games adn first person shooters i can't help but go through every door, or try to break every box to see whats in it. Whats the point other wise blasting through your games quickly you just dont interact with anything in the game all for what? a quicker time at the end of the game? Get your money's worth and take your time.


          i tend to zoom through things...once its finished, thats it, i'll hardly go back to it ever again.
          normally i'll play one game soloidly for around 2 weeks.
          if i spend too long on a single title then i'll get bored and never finish it, either that or something new comes along to take its place.

          theres not many things i've bought where i feel i didnt get my moneys worth though


            Savour, definitely. Hence the huge backlog.


              Savour. I'm a very curious gamer, and always look around game worlds from the off.

              Hence my huge times.


                Depends on the title

                For example with Zelda OOT i just couldnt be arsed to go and find every heart peice, secret location etc etc.

                Where as with Burnout 3 im trying to get all golds. I havent even raced a map in Asia yet

                I know they are totally different, but still...


                  Depends how inviting the game world is, if it is something like Tales then I explore the game fully not to earn rewards or get better stuff, but because I want too. Something like Shenmue however, I find the world so uninteresting (and badly acted) and just to want get to the next story chapter.

                  Generally though, I tend to just want to finish games rather than get 100% out of them.


                    I blitz games usually - for the majority of games, 100% completion invloves a fair amount of padding to create the illusion of game length & it just isn't worth it.

                    Of course, there are exceptions.


                      Usually I aim to the end. Not really a rush, but I play straight to the end. Then, If the game really catch me, I'll can replay it (months) later with more attention to side quests, secrets, etc...


                        Blitz them, then move onto something else. Only way for a person with a short attent... oh, shiny.


                          Depends on the game.

                          Given how many people moan about games being too short because they don't take a century to complete (even after they haven't bothered with a good 70% of what the game has to offer), it would appear that most gamers are of the Taste variety.


                            It depends on the game. In certain cases I have zoomed through the game because the story was good, but the gameplay was average at best, just so I could see the ending (Final Fantasy X for example), but most of the time I prefer to savour the game in that moment. Some games like Sonic Adventure 2 made me play it for nearly 100 hours, even multiple tries at frustrating levels simply because I wanted to unlock the 3D remake of the original Green Hill Zone. I do like to savour a good RPG though. I need to pick up one soon as I've finished what I was previously playing.


                              I tend to get obsessive about seeing and doing everything in games like Zelda and Metroid (especially Prime, with the scanning thing) which is probably one of the reasons I don't really enjoy those kinds of games any more. Not enough time to get stuck in properly.

