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Mario Tennis online

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    Mario Tennis online

    Check ESRB ratings for video games and apps, including age ratings, content descriptors and interactive elements.

    In the past this site has been the key to unanounced games.

    Burnout 2
    Red Faction 2

    Were both added to this site before they were officaly anounced.

    Mario Tennis online would be great, while its not Mario Kart its a major step in the right direction.

    Tennis, online? Really? Tennis? I'd be unhappy playing tennis over a LAN, let alone the dodgy work of packet loss and h@X0rZ


      Well with Mario Tennis and most likely Pokemon it will only be a matter of time till Smash Brothers and Mario Kart online, i think this will also confirm to other third party developers that Nintendo are comited about online gaming.


        But then again, it also has mario kart online:

        Check ESRB ratings for video games and apps, including age ratings, content descriptors and interactive elements.


          And Zelda online...which I posted in the E3 forum because I was bored.


            Pete that Zelda Universe game is in fact the Zelda website.


              Originally posted by SharkAttack
              Pete that Zelda Universe game is in fact the Zelda website.
              They're all probaly websites or some other explanation. Nintendo won't make Mario Tennis/Kart online.

              Not yet anyway.


                So by Columbo style diagnosis, whenever Ninty register anything to do with "online" its the rating for the website.

                Just one more thing.

                Sounds likely.


                  That's the last time I trust for news


                    I hate some of these news hungry little sites. The Zelda Universe one is even worse as I remember that ESRB listing and the following rumours and debate well over a year ago, or maybe even just before the last E3! Madness! News Recycling Hounds!


                      Nintendo get screwed over by their fanboys. Now these silly little fanboys have spread this bit of news (like the megaton) Nintendo will be blamed when no big announcement backs up the rumours!


                        It would work well but given Nintendos recent very anti-online stance especially concerning E3 I'd guess it won't be. Still it would explain why it keeps falling further behind Mario Golf 2's development time.


                          Yeah it seams like its not going to be a real game, i guess with so many web sites reporting it it excited me a bit that Nintendo maybe listening to their fans/gamers.


                            "Zelda Unizerse Nintendo of America, Inc On-line game Everyone Violence"

                            Unizerse ? whats a unizerse ?

