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Genuine gaming dilema

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    Genuine gaming dilema

    just recently got married.before this i used to live me parents. anyway. me and me brothers always shared the consoles for gaming.we are keen gamers and compete with each at games. the thing is ive rencently got married and moved out. not the thing is i always end up going to me parents for gaming sessions which no doubt pees off mu she said last nite why dont u just get the damn thing over here(a nice tip for everyone whose missus dont like computer,just spend time at someone elses playing and they'll soon come round!!).so me and me bro's got a ps2(which in untouched),a modded xbox with all the software of yesteryear shall we say and a unmodded gc and a moded panny q. so the question is which one shall i re-locate to my house.i aint got bb and not really bothered by that. got about 12 games for the xbox,got about 20 for the gc. so guys ur opinions.which one shall i take over to my new pad. obviously me bro's aint gonna let me take it without a fight but i'll cross that bridge take it away boys.....the thing is there are games for the xbox and the gc i like.if im not palying we6 then im palying topspin,if im not playing ssx im playing smb.u get the picture.
    Last edited by proactiveenigma; 20-09-2004, 11:52. Reason: more info

    How could someone else possibly know which console has the games you'd rather play?

    PS I'd take the Panasonic Q.



      Take the XBox, a real man's machine, leave the GC to your kid brother.........

      but make sure you pay plenty of attention to your missus or we'll be seeing yet another breakup thread in Off Topic......



        i was thinking more longterm. id like to think that most xbox and gc gamers have the same games or near enough.well import gamers anyway.

        gc games

        luigi mansion,wave race,sunshine,resi 1-3,pno3,vj,rogue sqadron,money ball,battle houshin,sonic collection,mario kart,fzero,mario golf,smash bro,pikmin,zelda wind waker,zelda 4 swords,soul calibur 2,capcop vs snk 2(and a few others i cant remember)

        xbox games

        halo,pgr 1+2,soul calibur 2,burnout 3,top spin,ssx 3,doa 3,jsrf,tony hawks,riddick,pop,mgs,ninja gaiden,crimson,moto gp 2(and a few others i cant remember) i have also got the emu roms for the following,mame,snes,megadrive,neo geo.

        so there u go boys,now what should i take.
        Last edited by proactiveenigma; 20-09-2004, 12:28. Reason: added info


          Take the PS2 and get it modded. It has by far the biggest diversity of games and the largest catalogue.

          However a PAL only PS2 would be my last choice.


            I've been sitting on the bog thinking about this (GBASP - no power - boo) and for me, as much as a loathe to say it, it would have to be the PS2 as Trevor says.

            It may not have the same quality/game ratio as the GC, but for the sheer number of games played and hours spent putting up with that infernal fan whizz the PS2 wins by a mile.



              the ps2 aint an option,got hardly anything for it.only rez(class game,ico(i dont think it needs my blessing),vf4.its actually half working,not working at the moment. might go for a p2two if its good.anyway the choice is between the gc and xbox. more games for gc-prime,icaruga. its more of a long term how many threads are they now with peoples aying i wish i hadnt sold this etc etc. at the mo me and me bro's share if i outright own one then i can maybe start some collection going for that system.


                I would sell the Panasonic Q and get 2 GC's with the money.


                  If you're dismissing the PS2 then I'd go for the Cube, There are some real quality titles coming in the next 6 months.
                  Last edited by Kron; 20-09-2004, 13:33.


                    Originally posted by Kron
                    If your dismissing the PS2 then I'd go for the Cube, There are some real quality titles coming in the next 6 months.
                    The same could be said for the XBox (Fable,KOTOR2,Forza,SF3 etc) - it all depends what type of games you like. Personally I'd go XBox but thats because I'm more interested in the games for it than the Cube.


                      Think of your wife mate and grab the Cube. Its cute, doesnt take up much space and you're more likely to get her playing it than the XBOX (of course this is just a guess - I have never met your wife, honest!)


                        Which ever one you take, you'll regret not picking up the other so HA!


                          Xbox easy.
                          All the games out and coming out are better, imho, than the other systems. The ones you've listed as owning on Xbox are better imo than the Cube games too!
                          Halo is still a massive game in my mind and is so satisfying to play. If you like racing then the Cube simply cannot match it. Moto GP2 and PGR2 are the nuts and the Cube has no answer for them.

                          Plus you have emulators on the Xbrick, the Cube can't possibly win.


                            Thinking of longer term issues (Ie will your wife remove certain marital privages if you play to much??) sell them all and go on a bloody good holiday with her. In the good books for eva I tell thee.......


                              Take the Cube. Your missus might actually like some of those Nintendo games.

