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More disappointing endings

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    More disappointing endings

    As some will recall, I posted a few months ago about my disgust for the ending in Deus Ex2: Invisible War. Well, now I have another one.

    Just completed Sudeki and after 15 hours of play, all I get is a quick ****ty ending that lasts less than a minute.

    I've lost 15 hours of my life to that game which I can never get back and I don't even get a decent reward at the end of it.

    Replace Sudeki with Chrono Cross, 15 with 40, and '...I can never get back...' with '...I demand back...'

    Dunno about you, but I was warned that it would be rubbish, but I ploughed on regardless. Even the 'good' ending to CC was dire. I truely sympathise.


      I know many thought the game wasn't much cop (although I quite enjoyed it in a generic sort of way) but I had no idea how lame the ending was.

      Oh we, time to make a start on Panzer Dragoon Orta again


        Just a reminder to anyone posting in this thread, please no spoilers, particularly of current games

        I think people are too hard on ChronoCross, I dont think it was THAT bad. Saying that, I cant remember the ending, so I doubt it was anything significant.


          You should play for the game experience and not the ending.


            Thats very Taoist.


              Originally posted by yosai
              You should play for the game experience and not the ending.
              That's all very well, but if the game isn't that amazing (and for some reason, I always seem to pick the average titles) I at least want a decent award at the end of it.


                Titus the Fox, Amstrad CPC6128/Multi

                Spoiler, because no-one is ever going to play this game again...

                Took months because you had to get through the game in one go or nothing. Finally after a marathon session I get to the end...

                one static screen. I almost threw up.


                  Originally posted by superkully
                  Titus the Fox, Amstrad CPC6128/Multi

                  Spoiler, because no-one is ever going to play this game again...

                  Took months because you had to get through the game in one go or nothing. Finally after a marathon session I get to the end...

                  one static screen. I almost threw up.
                  I'm going a bit retro now, but what the heck... Spoilers below for two very old Amiga games.

                  The worst endings I can remember from my Amiga days were Shadow of the Beast (static screen that was IDENTICAL to the game over screen except that your dead body was missing from the background and the music was different) and Voodoo Nightmare (I loved that game and its insane puzzles, but the ending involved your character flying away in an air balloon and waving goodbye; I was speechless).


                    Originally posted by marcus
                    I think people are too hard on ChronoCross, I dont think it was THAT bad. Saying that, I cant remember the ending, so I doubt it was anything significant.
                    It's one of them games that you finish, then realise "What the **** just happened in them 40 hours I just played?" As nothing of significance happens whatsoever.


                      My girlfriend has been playing alot of Harry Potter and the philosophers stone recently . Not my cup of tea in any way but she asks me how i think the last boss should be done since shed been stuck on it for a bit. I tell her, watch her complete it and for me (someone who hasnt read the books or seen the films) the ending was a complete cop out. You defeat the big boss, your told to go to the main hall, each of the different houses are given scores then theres a badly animated hat throwing ending. Then the credits. Id only saw 10 minutes of the game but i was sorely dissapointed.

